BUILD EXITO Logistics 

Logistics Team

Kay Logan

Email: or 

Kay Logan coordinates the PSU Center for Interdisciplinary Mentoring Research (CIMR). CIMR brings together researchers across scientific disciplines and institutions to examine mentoring across the life course, including mentoring for youth, college students and employees.

Cassandra Ramirez

Email: or 


As Student Services Coordinator, Cassandra helps make sure the program works for Scholars.  She is the hub of student support.  If you have any questions or are facing any challenges you can reach out to them to assist or forward your message to the appropriate party. Please direct all financial support questions to her. 

Cassandra has two pets (Pepper and Robin), is neurodivergent, and graduated from PSU with a BA in Criminology. 

Sarah Taylor

Email:  or 

Sarah moved to CIMR from PSU's University Place Hotel & Conference Center in late February 2022, and shortly after earned a BA in Social Science.  Sarah provides administrative and logistical support to the BUILD EXITO team by:

Generally in the office Mon-Fri - feel free to stop by!

BUILD Spaces on Campus 

BUILD has some great spaces in Cramer Hall, including for student use

1721 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201

You may request access by completing this form 


(CH 347)

The BUILD and URISE offices at PSU will be open 10-5pm Monday-Friday. 

Please note the office may be closed intermittently due to staffing, student sessions and meetings. 

Multipurpose Room 

(CH 352)

Feel free to bring food and use the kitchenette

Computer Lab 

(CH 348)

Four PCs, a Mac, and a printer

CIMR Student Advisory Council 

The Council is a community of scholars seeking to effect positive change through providing feedback and recommendations. We are committed to embarking on a new initiative to further amplify student voices and ensure that our programs and services are aligned with the diverse needs and aspirations of our student community. 

For more information, please see our website

You can also provide feedback through this form.

Other Staff Contact Information

Arjun Viray (

Aaron Raz Link (; YouCanBookMe)