Phoning Fast Facts
Country code for Italy: +39
City code for Florence: 055
Cell phones begin with 3_ _ (e.g. 388-…….)
Other countries from Italy and Italy from other countries: 00-country code-number (except the US – dial 011 from the US and 001 from Italy)
VoIP (e.g. Skype) is the best way to make international calls
Provide your personal phone number to the OSL
Make sure your family knows how to reach you
Personal Cell Phones
Students should plan on having a cell phone that does not rely on WiFi for personal use. Some students opt to purchase an Italian SIM card and/or cellular phone because they are easily available and relatively inexpensive, while others choose to keep their foreign cell number and purchase an International calling plan through their provider. Both are valid options. Whatever you choose, please be sure to report your phone number to the Office of Student Life. This is very important in the event of an emergency.
The Office of Student Life strongly discourages students from entering into a direct-billing contract with an Italian cell phone provider. These contracts automatically debit your credit card each month, often last a minimum of 3 years, and are difficult to cancel. Instead of a contract, choose a monthly phone plan that includes talk, text and data at a fixed rate that you can pay manually every 30 days (by credit card online or in cash or by credit card at Tabacchi, grocery stores, and cell phone shops) to keep the plan active.
Purchasing a phone or SIM card in Florence
The three major mobile phone companies in Italy are Vodafone, TIM and Wind. Cellular phones and SIM cards can be bought at the stores of these mobile phone companies or at an electronics store not associated with a cellular company such as Euronics or MediaWorld. Several places where you can purchase a cell phone and SIM card in downtown Florence are listed below:
RGF, Viale Don Minzoni 46/a/r, Tel. 055 500 2020
RGF sells Wind and Vodafone SIM cards and repairs all types of cellular phones. A representative from RGF will be on campus during Orientation Week for students interested in purchasing a cell phone or SIM card.
Wind, Via de’ Martelli 16/r, Tel. 055 292 348
Cellular phones and Wind SIM cards are sold here.
TIM, Via dei Calzaiuoli 114/118, Tel. 055 239 6066
Cellular phones and Tim SIM cards are sold here.