Preliminary Administrative Services Program Standards

Please view our narrative responses below in black and hyperlinked evidence in gold below. 

Preliminary Administrative Services Credential (PASC) Program Standard 3: Development of Professional Leadership Perspectives

PASC Program Standard 3 is met as follows:

The program includes educational leadership coursework that focuses on developing leadership skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, communication, and strategic planning. The program provides opportunities for candidates to work in teams, analyze videos of their own coaching of teachers in the field, and participate in simulated scenarios to develop and practice their leadership and interpersonal skills. The program provides case studies and participatory learning activities that require candidates to analyze complex educational problems at both the system-wide and individual levels.  The program provides candidates with opportunities to analyze and propose solutions to issues such as school funding, school policies, and educational reform while considering the political context and its implications.  

The required ASC course, EDUT 6304: Working with Families & the Community, focuses on how to develop professional learning communities, family participation, how to develop family and community partnerships, how to build public support, community engagement and ​​the impact of school, family and community connections on student achievement, development and thriving.  Students learn how to understand parent and family perspectives, promote shared decision-making, unite stakeholder efforts by coordinating resources and services to contribute to community leadership capacities, involve families and partner organizations to support student learning both inside and outside of the classroom, and how to create and sustain leadership capacity amongst all stakeholders in a professional learning community.  This class supports emerging educational leaders in participating as reciprocal learners through reflection, dialogue and collaborative engagement.

The required ASC course, EDUT 6305: Human Resources Management, prepares future administrators to attract and develop human resources and to create conditions to keep them. This course uses practical, everyday school experiences as a source of exploration and learning. The course focuses specifically on teacher supervision, evaluation, engaging in difficult conversations, developing professional learning communities, and understanding and nurturing human resources from a broad and individual perspective. Readings, assignments, class discussions, and presentations are organized to support students in developing the knowledge, skills and disposition required for successful administrative leadership in the area of human resource management.

The ASC program provides candidates with an understanding of how the cultural, social, and economic contexts of a school or district can impact human behavior and educational outcomes. The program provides opportunities for candidates to engage with community organizations, district leadership, and other key educational stakeholders to gain a better understanding of the external factors that can impact the vision and mission of a school or district.

Continue to Program Standard 4: Equity, Diversity and Access

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