Common Standard 2

Candidate Recruitment and Support 

Candidates are recruited and supported in all educator preparation programs to ensure their success.

Please select each Standard below to view our narrative responses in black and hyperlinked evidence in gold. 

Standard 2.1. The education unit accepts applicants for its educator preparation programs based on clear criteria that include multiple measures of candidate qualifications. 

Standard 2.2. The education unit purposefully recruits and admits candidates to diversify the educator pool in California and provides the support, advice, and assistance to promote their successful entry and retention in the profession.

Standard 2.3. Appropriate information and personnel are clearly identified and accessible to guide each candidate’s attainment of program requirements.

Standard 2.4. Evidence regarding progress in meeting competency and performance expectations is consistently used to guide advisement and candidate support efforts. A clearly defined process is in place to identify and support candidates who need additional assistance to meet competencies.

Standard 1     Standard 2     Standard 3     Standard 4     Standard 5