General Precondition 5: Commission Assurances

To be granted continuing accreditation by the Committee on Accreditation, the program sponsor must: (a) assure that the sponsor will fulfill all of the applicable standards of program quality and effectiveness that have been adopted by the Commission, (b) assure that all candidates participating in public school-based field activities hold a Certificate of Clearance from the Commission, (c) assure that the approved program sponsor will cooperate in an evaluation of the program by an external team or a monitoring of the program by a Commission staff member, and (d) assure that the approved program sponsor will participate fully in the Commission’s accreditation system, including the timely submission of documents required for accreditation.

Please view our narrative responses in black and hyperlinked evidence in gold.

General Precondition 5 is met as follows: 

a. Mills College at Northeastern University provides assurance that the program will demonstrate and fulfill all applicable standards of program quality and effectiveness through the program document submitted to and approved by the Commission on Accreditation.  

b. Mills College at Northeastern University assures that all candidates participating in public school-based field activities hold a Certificate of Clearance from the Commission prior to placement.  

c. Mills College at Northeastern University cooperates with all evaluation monitoring by staying connected to the Commission and submitting all reports in a timely fashion.  

d. The Dean of the School of Education (or successor office) and the directors of all credentialing programs provide assurances of full cooperation with the Commission through timely response to all requests for information and submission of all reports in alignment with deadlines.  


Please find our Assurances Letter addressing Precondition 5, linked here

General Precondition 5 | Supporting Evidence Links 

Please note the hyperlinks below are woven within the narrative above in gold: