Standard 1.8

The education unit monitors a credential recommendation process that ensures that candidates recommended for a credential have met all requirements. 

Please view our narrative responses in black and hyperlinked evidence in gold.

At Mills College at Northeastern University, School of Education, the degree audit is the first component of a credential candidate's academic progress. Candidates, their academic advisors, and the Registrar's Office use degree audits to track candidates’ academic progress. The final, official transcript verifies that the candidate has successfully met the requirements for the credential preparation program. 


The second component of the credential candidate process at Mills College School of Education is fieldwork success, which is monitored by program chairs, directors, and site-based supervisors. The director meets weekly with site-based supervisors to discuss candidate progress in their field placements. Multiple Subject, Single Subject, and Early Childhood Special Education site-based supervisors observe their candidates six times each fall and spring and jointly complete TPE-aligned progress evaluations biannually: 


The final step in the Mills College at Northeastern School of Education credential program process is a credential recommendation. To obtain a credential recommendation, candidates must submit the required credential documentation to the Credential Analyst, who submits the materials to the California Commission on Teaching Credentialing (CCTC). 


This monitoring process is clearly outlined in each program's credential handbooks (linked below):