Preliminary Multiple Subject/Single Subject Program Standards
Please view our narrative responses below in black and hyperlinked evidence in gold below. Please note revisions for Program Standards 1-6, based on CTC Feedback #1 are highlighted in orange, including both narrative and evidence revisions.
General Education Multiple Subject/Single Subject (GE) Program Standard 6: Induction Individual Development Plan
GE Program Standard 6 is met as follows:
Before exiting the preliminary program, candidates, district-employed supervisors, and program supervisors collaborate on an individual development plan (IDP) consisting of recommendations for professional development and growth in the candidate’s clear program. This consensus is recorded at the end of the Clinical Experience Assessment Form. The plan is a portable document archived by the preliminary program and provided to the candidate for transmission to the clear/induction program. In our program, we utilize two different frameworks to develop the IDP: end of year evaluations conducted between candidates and program supervisors based on the TPEs and the Becoming a Transformative Educator Inventory (BTEI). The BTEI is a set of twelve dispositions and characteristics that are associated with successful teachers, based on a review of empirical research on teacher preparation. Candidates use evidence from coursework, evaluations, videos, student work, and others to demonstrate their growth in each of the twelve variables of the BTEI. Combined together, the end-of-year evaluation and the BTEI provide a comprehensive analysis of the strengths and areas of growth for each candidate. In EDUT 6126, the last course of the Pedagogical Content Knowledge lab series, candidates create an IDP and seek out resources and professional development opportunities to strengthen the areas of growth in the candidate’s induction program. This will be a “living” document that will be written in Google docs so that candidates will be able to access it after the completion of the ELJJ program.
At the end of each semester, candidates, district-employed supervisors, and program supervisors complete a Clinical Experience Assessment Form and meet to discuss their conclusions. At the end of the fall semester, candidates self-assess their strengths and challenges, recording these on an Individual Development Plan (IDP). In addition, at the end of the program, they complete a Becoming a Transformative Educator Inventory (BTEI). The BTEI is a set of twelve dispositions and characteristics that are associated with successful teachers, based on a review of empirical research on teacher preparation. Candidates use evidence from coursework, evaluations, videos, student work, and others to demonstrate their growth in each of the twelve variables of the BTEI. Relying on the information from all these formative and summative assessments, candidates complete their Individual Development Plan forms. Once hired, candidates are required to provide their induction coach with a copy of the form.
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