Preliminary Multiple Subject/Single Subject (Intern) Program Standards

Please view our narrative responses below in black and hyperlinked evidence in gold below. Please note revisions for Program Standard 7, based on CTC Feedback #1 are highlighted in green, including both narrative and evidence revisions.

General Education Multiple Subject/Single Subject (GE Intern) Program Standard 2: Preparing Candidates to Master the Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs)

GE (Intern) Program Standard 2 is met as follows:

All candidates completing the ELJJ program are expected to have a deep understanding of the content they teach, as well as the ability to effectively communicate that content to students. They should also be able to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all learners, and provide support to students who are struggling. In addition, ELJJ candidates are able to create a positive and supportive learning environment, and manage classroom behavior effectively. With this in mind, we have designed a program in which courses are sequential in scheduling, building on previous content, skills, and knowledge, with regularly scheduling assessments for both clinical and academic development (See Multiple Subject Assessment Plan and Single Subject Assessment Plan). 

The specific knowledge, skills, and abilities that beginning level practitioners are expected to have are as follows:

In addition to these knowledge, skills, and abilities, ELJJ graduates must also be able to demonstrate the following dispositions:

All candidates completing the ELJJ program are expected to meet the following competencies:

In addition to meeting TPEs, candidates in the traditional Multiple and Single Subject Preliminary Credential program at Mills College at Northeastern University must also meet program standards:

Learning to teach resides in the development of praxis, or the inextricable coexistence of theory and practice in teaching. For this reason, the assessment of student learning outcomes must include triangulation from both coursework and fieldwork elements of the program. Furthermore, there are state required assessments that we must consider as we prepare each candidate to become the best teacher possible. With that said, these outlined assessments will take place every summer. 

ELJJ leaders, faculty, and staff will rely on the following assessment plans for Multiple Subject and Single Subject to ensure that individual students are making satisfactory progress as well as to inform the functioning and improvement of the ELJJ program. Candidates will receive a total score representing their overall practical teaching abilities and development, which is used to evaluate their readiness to teach. We will use this score in part to inform our decision whether to recommend the teacher candidate for a preliminary single or multiple subject credential. We will also utilize the individual TPE scores to inform our decisions about the program. 

ELJJ will rely on edTPA scores to assess the proficiency and skill development for planning, instruction, and assessment among candidates. We will utilize edTPA individual scores and summative reports to evaluate the effectiveness of the program, particularly pertaining to the initial credential year.

Continue to Program Standard 3: Clinical Practice

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