Standard 1.7

The institution employs, assigns and retains only qualified persons to teach courses, provide professional development, and supervise field-based and clinical experiences. Qualifications of faculty and other instructional personnel must include, but are not limited to:

a) current knowledge of the content;

b) knowledge of the current context of public schooling including the California adopted P-12 content standards, frameworks, and accountability systems; 

c) knowledge of diversity in society, including diverse abilities, culture, language, ethnicity, and gender orientation; and 

d) demonstration of effective professional practices in teaching and learning, scholarship, and service. 

Please view our narrative responses in black and hyperlinked evidence in gold.

The institution employs, assigns, and retains only qualified faculty and instructional personnel to teach courses, provide professional development, and supervise field-based and clinical experiences.


All full and part-time faculty in the Mills College at Northeastern University School of Education credential programs have research, teaching, or administrative experience in areas specifically related to educator preparation. Each faculty member is matched with teaching and supervision assignments for which they have advanced preparation and/or recent/current relevant professional experience. The Mills College at Northeastern University School of Education is conscientious about assigning responsibilities to faculty who are specifically qualified for and demonstrate an interest in and enthusiasm about their assignments.


This table includes summarized duties and responsibilities for full-time and part-time faculty at Mills College at Northeastern University, School of Education.


Professors at the Mills College at Northeastern University School of Education contribute to developing content and syllabi for program courses. Faculty course assignments match their respective areas of professional preparation and experience. Instructional assignments are carried out by consensus at program meetings and under the leadership of program directors and the Dean of the School of Education (or successor office).


A diverse group of part-time faculty are selected to teach Mills College at Northeastern University School of Education credential program courses. Courses are assigned based on instructors’ preparation and professional experience as it pertains to the CCTC standards for each respective course. Tenure-track, full-time non-tenure-track, and part-time faculty will be hired and evaluated based on their knowledge of current and relevant contexts of public schooling in California. Further, all faculty, instructors, supervisors, and staff share an understanding of and value the rich cultural, linguistic, ethnic, gender, and experiential diversity of school communities particular to the credential programs and in general. The Mills College at Northeastern University School of Education part-time instructors complement the strengths and experiences of full-time faculty. Their combined expertise and experience enhance students’ learning experiences. Here is a copy of a draft job description for part-time lecturers at Mills College at Northeastern University, School of Education.


Tenure-track faculty members must consistently demonstrate high performance over the course of six years in order to retain their positions with tenure. Faculty are evaluated according to criteria that represent not only Northeastern University’s values and standards but also high standards particular to each credential program. Promotion of tenure-track and full-time non-tenure-track faculty is based on the following criteria (Northeastern University Faculty Handbook – Promotion):

A.    Promotion by change in academic rank of a faculty member results from recognition by the university of significant professional achievement and the expectation that this level of attainment will be sustained and/or exceeded in the future. The primary consideration in evaluating the record of achievement shall always be the degree to which this achievement improves the academic quality of the university.

B.    The university recognizes that every faculty member offers a unique combination of accomplishments, depending on academic field, specialized scholarly interests, varying professional opportunities, and contracted responsibilities for (i) teaching, (ii) research/scholarship/creative activity and/or professional development and/or (iii) service. Consequently, when a judgment is made of the total contribution of a faculty member, the evaluation criteria shall be weighted according to primary assignments during the period under consideration.

C.    Eligibility for promotion is governed by academic rank and appointment. Full-time non-tenure-track faculty members may request consideration for promotion to the next academic rank after completing at least three years of full-time service at the faculty member’s current rank.


What follows are examples of procedures and tools informing faculty evaluations:


All courses in credential programs are taught by individuals who meet the criteria listed below. Instructors and supervisors have either doctorate degrees or master's degrees in a relevant field.  All Instructors and supervisors must:


The Mills College at Northeastern University programs ensures that all faculty members and Program Supervisors have current knowledge of schools and classrooms. Faculty and Program Supervisors are selected according to the following criteria:


At the end of each academic term, students complete a Teacher Rating and Course Evaluation (TRACE). Summative scores from student evaluations constitute an essential component of faculty performance evaluations.


Mills College at Northeastern University School of Education program directors’ observations of part-time faculty’s teaching, syllabi, and TRACE scores are included in part-time evaluation. Evaluation criteria are (i) knowledge of their subject area; (ii) ability to plan coursework; (iii) helpfulness, knowledge, attention to candidates’ needs; and (iv) participation in the planning, evaluation, and guidance activities with Mills College at Northeastern University and credential candidates.


Mills College at Northeastern University School of Education part-time faculty and Field Supervisors are involved at all levels of the programs, including participation in field experience seminars; planning of field experiences; evaluation of the candidates’ performances, and assessment of placement site suitability. They are all considered critical members of the professional team.


Mills College at Northeastern University School of Education tenure-track faculty are evaluated on a regular basis, and even after tenure, they continue to be evaluated for merit review and/or promotion. TRACE evaluations from students are consistently compiled each term. Tenure-track faculty are evaluated each year by the tenure committee. Criteria for faculty evaluation include teaching effectiveness, research and scholarly work, contributions to the mission of the College, and supportive work in the School of Education.


Mills College at Northeastern University School of Education part-time faculty are evaluated by most of the same measures as full-time faculty, namely: student evaluations, collegiate review using the same criteria of teaching effectiveness, contributions to the mission of the College and work supportive of the School of Education goals.


Mills College at Northeastern University does not offer additional contracts and teaching opportunities to instructors and field supervisors whose work is found unsatisfactory. The removal of instructors and supervisors because of poor performance happened on occasion, but infrequently.