Stage IV: Initial Program Approval 

Stage IV, Initial Program Approval, delves into the evaluation of program content and its alignment with state standards. In this stage, Mills College at Northeastern University will submit their program standards to external reviewers, who are responsible for assessing the program's adherence to state standards and ensuring preconditions are met for submission to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) staff. Following the external review, the Committee on Accreditation will thoroughly examine the proposals, determining if they meet the necessary requirements for progression. Upon approval from the Committee on Accreditation, Mills College at Northeastern University will be granted permission to advertise and offer the credential programs to prospective students.

** One of the distinctive features and a strength of our teacher education programs is our cohort model. Combining candidates with varying levels of practical experience and backgrounds enhances growth and development for all. Therefore, both traditional and internship pathway candidates follow the same academic calendar, including required preliminary summer coursework for interns.