Standard 5.2

The unit and its programs evaluate and demonstrate that they are having a positive impact on candidate learning and competence and on teaching and learning in schools that serve California’s students.

Please view our narrative responses in black and hyperlinked evidence in gold.

As an institution, the School of Education at Mills College at Northeastern University is dedicated to ensuring that credential candidates have the skills and knowledge necessary to effectively educate and support all P-12 students in meeting state-adopted academic standards. To achieve this, we have developed rigorous program standards that not only align with but also build on the competency requirements set forth by the California Commission for Teaching Credentialing. Our program standards are designed to ensure that our candidates are well-prepared to serve as professional school personnel and can meet the diverse needs of all students. 


To assess whether our candidates are meeting these standards, we use a variety of assessment tools and strategies that are designed to measure the knowledge and skills that our candidates have acquired through their coursework and fieldwork experiences. By carefully analyzing the results of these assessments, we can determine whether our candidates are meeting the Commission's competency requirements and are prepared to serve as effective educators in the classroom.  


The School of Education evaluates and demonstrates the positive impact of its programs on candidate learning and competence, as well as teaching and learning in schools serving California's students, through the following methods: