Standard 2.2
The education unit purposefully recruits and admits candidates to diversify the educator pool in California and provides the support, advice, and assistance to promote their successful entry and retention in the profession.
Please view our narrative responses in black and hyperlinked evidence in gold.
Recruiting Diverse Candidates. The School of Education is committed to recruiting a diverse and qualified group of candidates from underrepresented groups with the aim of preparing educators with matching demographic profiles to those of California public school students. To achieve this, we engage in proactive recruitment efforts, such as hosting events specifically targeted at these groups and leveraging our professional networks to identify and reach out to BIPOC potential candidates. We also consider diversity in all our admission decisions, striving to create a program that reflects the broader population in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, social class, and disability. In addition, we work to create a welcoming and inclusive environment and offer resources and support to help all our students succeed in their studies and future careers. The Outreach, Partnerships, and Student Communications Specialist is a critical partner to the faculty and provides critical cultivation of recruitment leads. The Outreach, Partnerships, and Student Communications Specialist along with faculty, plays a key role in facilitating engagement with prospective students.
Providing Effective Support. All candidates receive personal attention, guidance, and support from their academic advisor, program directors, faculty, and staff within the School of Education and across the global Northeastern University network. Upon enrollment in a program, students are assigned a graduate academic advisor to help with coursework and professional progress. The graduate academic advisor works with faculty and program directors to ensure that university support staff and field support professionals are included, as appropriate, in candidates’ assessment and provide counseling or access to resources. Assessment and advising is monitored by Program Directors and includes the Academic Coordinator & Credential Analyst.
In addition to individual advising, Mills College at Northeastern University provides various support services including tutoring, resources for students with disabilities, writing and research skills support, housing assistance, and technology resources. Furthermore, candidates have access to a range of global resources through their personalized Student Hub portal, a highly personalized, experience-driven platform that serves as a daily home base for Northeastern students.
Ensuring Career Success. All candidates receive information and guidance on the credentialing process, job application procedures, interview strategies, career opportunities, and job searches through class discussions, program retreats and meetings, published materials, and individual communications. The Career Center at Mills College at Northeastern University has trained professionals and various resources such as job databases, directories of organizations, skills tests, and workshops on resume writing, interviewing, and job searches, is available to all graduate students to expand their vision of related opportunities. Additionally, candidates may take advantage of NU PLACE services for resources tailored to different identities as they relate to their career search, and events that are happening within the Northeastern ecosystem.
Standard 2.2: Candidate Recruitment and Support | Supporting Evidence Links
Please note the hyperlinks below are woven within the narrative above in gold: