Preliminary Multiple Subject/Single Subject (Intern) Program Standards

Please view our narrative responses below in black and hyperlinked evidence in gold below. Please note revisions for Program Standards 1-6, based on CTC Feedback #1 are highlighted in orange, including both narrative and evidence revisions.

General Education Multiple Subject/Single Subject (GE Intern) Program Standard 5: Implementation of a Teaching Performance Assessment

GE (Intern) Program Standard 5 is met as follows:

5A: Administration of the Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) 

ELJJ has clear policies and procedures for the administration of the edTPA, provides adequate information, preparation, and support to candidates. Furthermore, the Credential Analyst maintains accurate records and monitors compliance with all edTPA requirements. These steps ensure that their candidates are well-prepared to demonstrate effective teaching practices and assess student learning through the edTPA.

ELJJ presents candidates with clear policies and procedures for the administration of the edTPA that Pearson Assessments manages. These policies include guidelines on the timing, format, and expectations for completing the edTPA. Additionally, ELJJ candidates receive support and scaffolding to successfully plan for, assemble, and submit a complete edTPA. ELJJ also relies on and utilizes policies, rules, and guidelines that address the following:

The following are specific steps that ELJJ leaders, faculty, and staff follow to ensure that all candidates succeed in this crucial authentic assessment of their preparation as beginning teachers:

Clear policies and procedures for the administration of the edTPA are specified in the ELJJ Handbook. As can be seen, we clearly outline the steps that candidates need to take to complete the edTPA, including deadlines, submission procedures, and expectations for the format of the assessment. In addition to the directions in the ELJJ Handbook, candidates are provided with the link for and directions to access important information in the edTPA Handbooks

ELJJ faculty, Program Supervisors, and Credential Analyst provide candidates with preparation, information, and support not only for the steps required to plan for, complete, and submit their respective edTPA but also with knowledge, skills, and opportunity to practice required edTPA steps (See Common Standard 3 | Course of Study, Fieldwork and Clinical Practice) . The Field Supervisor coordinates with Program Supervisors strategies and procedures designed to assist candidates with the logistic preparations required for a successful edTPA. Furthermore, the Field Supervisor coordinates with faculty and instructors to provide candidates necessary information and support. Especially in courses with direct practicum connections (i.e., PCK Lab, Curriculum & Instruction, Multiliteracies, and ELD), candidates are provided with exercises and opportunities to interpret examples of relevant edTPA segments. In tasks, activities, and assignments, candidates are provided with an opportunity to examine edTPA rubrics as well as the criteria behind these rubrics. Especially as the deadline for edTPA submission approaches, Program Supervisors, staff, and instructors make themselves available for one-on-one coaching. Familiarity with and understanding of the edTPA is a criterion of consideration when hiring Program Supervisors as well as recruiting Cooperating Teachers.

The Credential Analyst oversees the submission of preliminary credential documentation and keeping accurate records (and internal tracking) related to the edTPA. The Credential Analyst provides candidates with information and procedures required to register with Pearson Assessment and access all available support materials. Candidates complete edTPA-related requirements and steps utilizing an online portal that is integrated with the central database Northeastern University’s IT team will create to track and monitor individual and aggregated candidates’ progress through their respective ELJJ program and toward meeting preliminary credential requirements. In addition to the information about submission of edTPAs in relation to other programmatic data sources accessible through the central database, ELJJ will rely on the aggregate edTPA scores reported by Pearson Assessment. The latter will allow us to compare our candidates’ edTPA performance in contrast with candidates across the state as well as to analyze individual ELJJ preliminary credential tracks. We plan to utilize all this information to guide our ongoing programmatic review and improvement efforts.

Our monitoring efforts will allow us to provide support and guidance for candidates who may encounter particular challenges completing and succeeding in their edTPAs. After an assessment of individual candidates’ assets and needs, the Field Coordinator collaborates with Program Supervisors, Cooperating Teachers, faculty and instructors to provide additional support to these candidates. Support may include scheduling accommodations as well as individual coaching regarding procedures or content required to submit a complete edTPA. All supporting staff and instructors are familiar with guidelines and constraints associated with edTPA support. Training for this purpose is included in the training and professional development required of Cooperating Teachers and Program Supervisors. Candidates are provided with information regarding procedures for appealing edTPA scores, as specified in the ELJJ Handbook.

5B: Candidate Preparation and Support 

ELJJ faculty, instructors, and staff provide candidates with comprehensive support for successfully completing the edTPA. This includes ensuring that candidates understand the requirements of the assessment, providing instruction and support aligned with those requirements, offering ongoing support, using multiple measures to assess readiness, and providing access to necessary technology and resources. Specifically, we provide candidates with the necessary knowledge, skills, and support to successfully complete the edTPA, demonstrating  their ability to plan and deliver effective instruction, assess student learning, and reflect on their teaching practice.

Through information sessions, workshops, course content, assignments, projects, and materials, such as the ELJJ Handbook we provide candidates with a clear understanding of the edTPA requirements. With purposeful redundancy, candidates gain access to detailed information about the edTPA, including the assessment rubrics, scoring criteria, and deadlines. This happens formally, by ensuring that candidates register on the Pearson Assessment site and guiding them to the information and resources available there as well as providing them with a calendar with submission deadlines for different credential subjects. Credential candidates are provided with clear and explicit information about timelines required for the Credential Analyst to submit a credential recommendation with sufficient time to meet future employment deadlines. Course content includes assessment rubrics and scoring criteria, which are used to provide candidates with multiple practice opportunities prior to submission of their respective edTPAs.

Multiple courses in the ELJJ program provide candidates with support that aligns with edTPA requirements. These include Curriculum & Instruction, PCK Lab, and ELD Methodology. As such, ELJJ coursework for both traditional and internship options are aligned with edTPA requirements. Lesson plan design and development are modeled and supported in these four courses. All courses are multi-term sequences, which allows candidates to be introduced to and practice skills as well as complete assessment of their curriculum planning, pedagogical, and pedagogical content knowledge. During class meetings as well as integrated into each task and assignment, candidates are asked to reflect on the planning, teaching, and assessment elements of their work. In various ways, we provide candidates with instruction on how to develop lesson plans, use assessments, and reflect on their teaching practice.

In addition to knowledge about planning, documenting, and submitting their respective edTPA teaching events as well as models for and opportunities to practice lesson planning, we provide candidates with ongoing support to complete their edTPA in a timely manner. From the moment they are admitted into ELJJ, candidates are informed about the edTPA as a crucial requirement for a credential requirement. Subsequently, candidates are provided with models and frameworks related to curricular planning and documentation, which pertain to knowledge and skills required for a complete edTPA without directly or explicitly working on edTPA tasks. Candidates also receive prompt and regular feedback on their work, with the goal of a timely final submission. Together with assignments, exercises, and tasks intended to provide opportunities to practice edTPA-related activities, we include multiple measures to assess candidate readiness for the edTPA throughout coursework assignments. We rely on formative assessments, observations, and feedback, to assess candidates' readiness for the edTPA.

ELJJ faculty and staff, together with the Field Coordinator and Credential Analyst, ensure that candidates have access to technology and resources needed to complete the edTPA. Particular attention is given to ensure that all candidates have access to equipment and skills necessary to make required video recordings. Furthermore, candidates are provided with directions for, guidance, and coaching to successfully upload all electronic files and narratives associated with the edTPA. Candidates are provided with templates for permission forms for video recordings and are assisted by Program Supervisors to ensure that Cooperating Teachers build in time in their daily schedules for candidates to teach and document edTPA-related teaching. 

Candidates who need to redo and resubmit all or parts of the edTPA meet with the program director and agree on a plan that incorporates appropriate and feasible strategies and procedures from the following list to ensure they successfully navigate the edTPA process the next time around:

Continue to Program Standard 6: Induction Individual Development Plan

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