March 27th, 2024

Midweek Round-Up

The Weekly Faculty and Staff Newsletter

College of Education and Human Services at Murray State University


Upcoming Events

March is Social Work Month and our program is celebrating 50 years of CSWE accreditation

June 11th - 12th

Try-A-Byte 5 - 6

These pop-quests for the EdTech Explorer program are worth 20 points for the month of March, & 15 points afterwards. This pop-up quest takes 10 minutes or less to complete and adds great Google knowledge to your arsenal. Whether you're in Chrome all day long or in Google Sheets for a very little time, using these tools can create a more efficient workflow for your day!

Access the links to the instructions via the EdTech Explorer Website

Department Updates

ELC: The 9th Annual Cultural Leadership Academy: Dr. Teresa Clark and Dr. Landon Clark will be meeting with a group of Paducah Police Department law enforcement professionals at the Paducah Regional Campus for the first two modules of this year's CLA Program April 15th - 18th. 

Photos of the Week

Students in REA 405/Children's Literature prepared podcasts to discuss strategies for teaching realistic fiction.  As they noted, Podcasts will definitely be part of their future elementary classrooms. Their opinion was that podcasting enhances the learning experience, facilitates academic growth, and helps children develop essential literacy skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

The purpose of REA 628/Literacy Assessment is for students to demonstrate how they evaluate literacy instruction and identify the next steps in a public school's professional learning community (PLC).  The FigJam program was used in order to discuss the value of sharing literacy instructional strategies within a PLC. Candidates who participated in FigJam discussed specific literacy strategies that have worked with their students.

Figjam Breakout Session Template


Shout - Out to Katherine Farmer from Holly Bloodworth:

"On Behalf of the Kentucky Reading Association, thank you for all you do to preserve the historical and founding documents of the state organization. "

Shout - Out to Tamela Darnell from Holly Bloodworth:

"Thank you for all you do for the Student Teaching in Belize program.  Your expertise helps make it a reality. "

Shout- Out to Dr. Teresa Clark from the COEHS Dean's Office:

"Congratulations to Dr. Clark who will be recognized for 10 years of service at the Faculty Awards Banquet in April! "

Shout-Out to Dr. Katy Hancock:

"Katy never ceases to impress. Never resting on her past work or successes, she is always pursuing new projects, improving her courses, and exploring avenues to help the Department grow and provide new opportunities for our students. She is professional yet personable and approachable. Her students speak very highly of her and for good reason. She is a pleasure to work with and we are all better off for her presence in and leadership of our Department."

Shout-Out to Dr. MiHwa Park from Dr. Donna Crouch:

"Dr. MiHwa Park's outlook on life is truly inspiring! She is so encouraging and positive in everything she does. She is one of the first people to say "Hello" every day and offer up a huge smile. Her infectious smile and unwavering encouragement have a remarkable way of brightening even the gloomiest of days. Her unwavering optimism is a reminder of the power of positivity and the impact it can have on those around us."

Shout-Out to Dr. Chanel Schwenck from CDI Faculty and NSSLHA:

"Thank you for volunteering your time to lead a Zumba fundraising event for MSU CDI/NSSLHA club! We raised funds for children in Kentucky who do not have access to therapeutic and educational services. We had so much sweaty, dance-y fun! "

Shout-Out to Katelyn Dobson from Cindy Plaisance:

"ECE would like to extend a warm welcome to their new student worker, Katelyn Dobson. She is doing a great job!"

Shout-Out to Claire Layne from Dr. Andrea Willson:

“Thank you for coming into our Social Studies Methods Class to help us prepare for our Civics Project!”

Shout-Out to Camri McReaken from Cindy Plaisance: 

"ECE is lucky to have another amazing student worker, Camri McReaken, join our team. Thanks for all your help, Camri!"

Shout- Out to the KATE Team from Dr. Andrea Willson:

“Thank you to Jennifer, Rebecca, Cooper, Shelby, and Missy for your relentless dedication to supporting the staff and faculty at MSU!“

Shout-Out to Katherine Farmer from Dr. Schwenck:

"Katherine is always willing to lend a hand, no matter the situation. She unlocks my classroom door on TR, knowing I have some early bird students who might not want to wait in the hall. I asked her to help me monitor students completing CAN checks and she agreed, having never worked with CAN checks before. She's a friendly face in our building and always willing to jump right in when needed. Thanks, Katherine!"

Shout- Out to Dr. Peg Munke from Dr. Katy Hancock:

"Peg does a great job with recruitment of students and goes out of her way to be flexible with them, willing to meet nights, weekends, and during holiday breaks. Her ideas for new initiatives to pursue are innovative, and she is always willing to contribute to the department. Thanks, Peg!"

Shout-Out Becky Perry from Dr. Katy Hancock:

"I enjoy all of my interactions with Becky. She does great work as a field director for social work, & is able to deftly pivot when there are issues. If a placement falls through, Becky is able to use her extensive contacts to get that student another placement immediately. She LOVES to work with students. She is more than willing to make the 3 hour round trip to main campus whenever needed. Becky has a great sense of humor and is a true asset to the department and college."

Shout-Out to Tressa Ross from Brandon Anderson:

"Tressa, thank you for all you have done to help me get acquainted with my new role this past year.  The work you put in for the college is much appreciated, especially during this scholarship awarding season!"

Shout-Out to Dianna Eldredge from Dr. Katy Hancock:

"Dianna is always on time and ready to work, with a smile and a great attitude! She is a pleasant presence to have in the social work suite and CJSW offices. I enjoy her "good morning!" when I see her!"

Shout-Out to Daniel Hepworth from Dr. Katy Hancock: 

"Daniel Hepworth is ALWAYS willing to contribute when asked. Committees, proposals, constitution writing, meeting with students, recruiting events-even last minute ones, teaching overloads, even making time for the social work program on their faculty search committee. His ability to smoothly work with faculty across various units in the college and across campus is not unnoticed. In a small department, this attitude and work ethic is exceedingly appreciated."

Shout-Out to Dr. Stephanie Schaaf from CDI Faculty:

"The CDI faculty would like to give a shout-out to our fearless leader, Dr. Stephanie Schaaf!  We are all working diligently toward re-accreditation but Stephanie has gone above and beyond to make sure we are prepared for our site visit!"

Shout-out to Whitney Cassity-Caywood from Dr. Katy Hancock:

"Whitney is a wonderful, passionate faculty member. She is VERY conscientious about improving her teaching, incorporating mid-semester and end-semester student feedback, and making her courses beneficial to students. She accommodates the needs, as applicable, of non-social work majors and students of different backgrounds. Her research production is astounding. Whitney is always working on multiple interesting research projects. Also, her faculty senate notes are always concise yet informative. She is an amazing asset to our department!"

Shout-out to Tressa Ross from Dr. Stephanie Ford:

"Tressa always goes above and beyond to meet the individual needs of each of our students. She continuously advocates for them to succeed with a smile on her face. Tressa is a true asset to COEHS!"

To send your own shout-out, click on the button below to fill out the form. It's a great way to show colleagues how awesome they are!

It will appear in the Midweek Round-Up as well as on the Faculty and Staff Shout-Out Board by the Dean's Office! Be sure to check it out when you're walking by!


Spring Semester - 2024

CAA and CACREP Accreditation Celebration Luncheon - March 28

EdTech Workshop Time  - April 19

Administrative Professionals Day - April 24

Retirement Party Jeff Wylie - April 24

Harry M. Sparks Distinguished Lecture - April 30


FINALS - May 4 - 10


Memorial Day Observance - May 27

The Summit - June 11 - 12

Juneteenth Observance - June 19


"The highest result of education is tolerance."

- Helen Keller

Celebrities of the Week

Congratulations to the COEHS celebrities of the week:

Dr. Jessica Branch (Faculty) and Katherine Farmer (Staff)!

We applaud each of you for your outstanding contributions and appreciate all that you do for COEHS.



Want to add something to the next Midweek Round-Up? 

Click the button below to let Claire Layne in the Dean's Office know!

Remember to be as detailed as possible! Contact Claire with any questions.

The mission of the College of Education and Human Services is to prepare future leaders, advocates, and practitioners through authentic, engaging, and student-centered academic programs for successful careers that positively impact communities.