April 5, 2023 - April 11, 2023

COEHS Midweek Round-Up

The Weekly Faculty and Staff Newsletter of the College of Education and Human Services at Murray State University


Dear Colleagues,

By now, you've probably heard the exciting news about Partner and Connect. The College of Education and Human Services has received an almost $3 million, five-year Mental Health Service Partnership Demonstration grant from the Department of Education. This is outstanding news and will greatly benefit the following 14 high-need school districts: Ballard County, Caldwell County, Carlisle County, Christian County, Crittenden County, Dawson Springs Independent, Fulton County, Fulton Independent, Hickman County, Livingston County, Lyon County, Mayfield Independent, Paducah Public Schools, and Union County.

The Academy will train and credential 24 diverse school counselors/mental health providers and 6 diverse community school psychologists in a graduate program designed to place mental health providers in high-need school districts to reduce the counselor-to-student ratio in rural and low-income schools.

This was a collaborative effort among WKEC (many thanks specifically to Executive Director Gretchen Wetzel and STOP & Connect Director/CIE Director Dianne Owen), the 14 school-district superintendents, the COEHS Dean's Office, and the Department of Educational Studies, Leadership, and Counseling.

This grant certainly affords us a tremendous opportunity to best serve the mental health needs of the west Kentucky community.

-David Whaley

Early Childhood and Elementary Education

Student Teachers Honors Luncheon || May 13, 2022


What's new in COEHS?


From Natalie Copeland:

Sparks Lecture - RSVP now!

If you are interested in attending this year's Sparks Lecture, please see the image below in "Upcoming Events." You can click on that image and it will take you to the RSVP form on the event website! Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions.


From Dr. Chhanda Islam:

New MAED Brochures

Have you seen our new MAED brochures? Be sure to check them out on the ECE website! Please share with any students you know who may be interested! To save the brochures to your computer, you can download this link and this link!

From Dr. Stephanie Sullivan:

Two Faculty Members Published

Congratulations to Dr. Chhanda Islam, who had an article titled "Instruction during COVID-19: The Impact of PLCs on Candidates’ Practice" published in a Kentucky journal!

Congratulations also to Dr. Stephanie Sullivan, whose article titled "University Principal Preparation Initiative (UPPI): Collaborative Action Focused on Quality Improvement of Kentucky Education Leader Programs" was published in the same journal!

To read their articles, visit the Kentucky Journal of Excellence in College Teaching and Learning. Dr. Islam's article can be found on pages 10-22 and Dr. Sullivan's on pages 135-139! 

Kentucky Society for Technology in Education Conference

Dr. Andrea Willson and Dr. Jessica Pryor joined educators (including Dr. Jamie Mahoney), leaders, and technologists (including our very own KATE department) from across the state to learn about upcoming topics and trends in educational technology. As instructors of EDU 222 and EDU 626, they explored new technology firsthand. Additionally, they attended workshops, and listened to experts in the field as they discussed upcoming challenges facing future teachers. Check out their photo below!


From Dr. Brian Bourke:

Diversity Action Committee - Upcoming Event

The Diversity Action Committee is hosting Dr. Thomas Woods-Tucker, Chief Equity Officer for the Kentucky Department of Education, for a talk at 6PM on April 6 in the Alexander Hall Auditorium. Visit this Google form to register, or you can click on the image below in the "Upcoming Events" section! This talk will also be available via Zoom.


From Dr. Jennifer Earls:

Let's Chat about ChatGPT!

"Let's Chat about Chat GPT" will be on Friday, April 21st from 10-11:30 a.m. in AL 240. Please join us for an exclusive event about AI and Chat GPT in education. Don't miss this opportunity to chat with Holly Clark, a leading expert in educational technology, as she shares her knowledge about how AI is changing the landscape of education. AND there will be prizes for those COEHS faculty and staff members who attend in person! See the flyer below in the "Upcoming Events" section!


From Debbie Bushart:

TQI Signing Day - Seeking Volunteers to help with National Signing Days in Local High Schools

Hello Faculty and Staff!  Teacher Quality Institute is sponsoring a "Signing Day" for all high school seniors in our service area who are coming to Murray State in the Fall to major in Education. We will be going to 25 area high schools to take pictures of seniors signing their "letter of intent" to be an education major at MSU. We will then have those pictures published in their local papers, social media, etc. Our goal is to promote how important future educators are to us and to the future of the local school districts.

Do you have ties to any of our service-area high schools?  Would you be willing to be the MSU representative to go to a high school to represent MSU on signing day?  We are planning this event for Tuesday, May 2nd, which is the National Ed Rising Signing Day, but if that day doesn't work for you, we can try to schedule for another day! We have a grant from the Dean's Office to pay for your mileage from MSU to the school and back.

Please contact Debbie Bushart at dbushart@murraystate.edu or 270-809-3188 if you are willing to help.

Henry County School System-Board Scholarship

Every year, Henry County Tennessee School District offers a scholarship for rising juniors and seniors who plan to teach in Henry County. Feel free to share the application with them! For more information, you can reach out to Debbie!



The HPE program hosted its first Healthy Horseplay session on Monday at Chestnut Park!


Pictured are Katelinn Meyer Tabor (undergrad of the Paducah 2+2 campus and alt-cert grad student), students at PMS, Summer Dunn (practicum student), Dr. Jamie Mahoney, and Paducah Middle School's principal receiving the $200 Student Council for Exceptional Children class adoption award for 2023!


We all love a good Joke of the Day around here, especially Dr. Justin Brogan!


Drs. Andrea Willson and Jessica Pryor attended the KySTE Conference in Louisville!


Dr. Samir Patel attended the ACA Conference & Expo in Toronto, Canada! He worked hard and played harder. Check out these photos from his Canadian adventures!




Tamela Darnell sent a shout-out to Dr. Earls:

"Her advice and knowledge have been invaluable to me, and I feel so lucky to have her as a friend and colleague. Thank you for your willingness to help me search for answers to my many questions!"


Tamela Darnell also sent a shout-out to Holly:

"Holly’s dedication to her students shines, especially in her passion for the Belize Study Abroad program. She works tirelessly to make sure our students have an amazing student teaching abroad experience in Belize. With securing services to arranging housing, it has been especially challenging this year with new changes since Covid. Holly, thank you for all that you do and safe travels in April!"


Dr. Miguel Gomez sends a shout-out to Dr. Ford:

"Dr. Ford is an outstanding teacher educator who truly goes above and beyond to support and inspire her students. With her wealth of knowledge, experience, and passion for education, she is able to provide her students with invaluable insights into teaching, learning, and professional development."    


Tamela received an anonymous shout-out:

"I would like to send a shout-out to Tamela. She works tirelessly behind the scenes to support our college units and makes sure things in the college run smoothly. She is truly an asset to our college and thank you for all you do!"


Dr. Chanel Schwenck also sent a shout-out to Nicole:

"I'd love to give a shout-out to Nicole Kennedy in TES for her commitment to admitting students to Teacher Education quickly and efficiently. The turnaround has been so fast and she's good about catching things that might have been overlooked in the process. 

Great job, Nicole!"


Dr. Vigil received an anonymous shout-out!

"Dr. Vigil is a prime example of a great colleague and instructor. Her focus on the wellness of our students and the rigor of the educational experiences in her classroom is outstanding. Not only that, she also dedicates much of her time to student support services that connect students with the college. You are amazing Dr. Vigil!"


"Dr. Karen Mackey brings so much teaching and administrative experience to make her instruction to students be both effective and meaningful. Her passion for the teaching profession encourages many students to pursue this career path. Dr. Mackey’s respected reputation strengthens COEHS relationships with school districts to encourage schools to allow education students to complete practicum hours. She puts forth tremendous effort in her interactions with student teacher candidates to make them excited to become teachers."


"Mr. Adam Blair has done an exceptional job growing the MSU Henderson Education Program. His students consistently share that they choose teaching because of his passion for the profession. Students can always count on Mr. Blair to support them achieve their goal to become a teacher. Mr. Blair creates a positive learning environment to promote students entering the teaching profession."


Dr. Patel got a shout-out from his administrative assistant, Libby Davis:

"Dr. Patel always keeps me on my toes and continues to make me laugh! He is a great leader and very caring to his faculty, staff and students."


"As a new-ish faculty member in the college, Andrea has been impressive with her leadership skills and honesty. Her understanding of higher education and awareness of program standards has made her a valuable addition to the college. I appreciate her conscientious and purposeful feedback for program improvement, and her dedication to student growth. On a personal note, I truly appreciate her matter-of-fact communication style, and her good sense of humor. Thank you for being a great colleague, Andrea!"


Natalie got an anonymous shout-out:

"I want to shout-out Natalie for coming in to her temp position in the Dean's Office and just rocking it from the beginning."


Missy received an anonymous shout-out: 

"Missy is not only is a rockstar for the KATE department, but she also does so much more for the college. Missy does a lot of behind the scenes work for the college from running the TVs, paperwork for tech upgrades for the building, checking calendars and so much more. Thank you for being awesome Missy. You are very much appreciated by EVERYONE in the college."

To send your own shout-out, click on the button below to fill out the form. It's a great way to show colleagues how awesome they are!

It will appear in the Midweek Round-Up as well as on the Faculty and Staff Shout-Out Board by the Dean's Office! Be sure to check it out when you're walking by!


Be sure to congratulate these outstanding faculty for their accomplishments when you see them!


Dr. Chanel Schwenck will be a judge in this year's All Campus Sing on Wednesday, April 12th! She is the 1st ACS judge ever to represent COEHS!


Dr. G has been named the recipient of the 2023 University Distinguished Mentor Award! On top of that, he is the 1st ever recipient from COEHS!


Dr. Kim Vigil will be the keynote speaker at the June 2023 Kentucky Association for Environmental Education Outdoor Learning Symposium!


*Dates are subject to change*

April 3rd-7th - Advanced Scheduling for Fall Semester

April 12th - All Campus Sing - 3pm - Quad

April 13th - Faculty Recognition Banquet - 5:30pm - Curris Center Ballroom

April 14th - Racer Nation Orientation (Honors)

April 15th - Racer Nation Orientation; Student deadline to upload theses/dissertations into Digital Commons

April 21st - Distinguished Alumni Reception and Dinner - 5:30pm - CFSB Murray Room

April 25th - Sparks Lecture - 5:00 p.m. (Atrium, Auditorium)

April 26th - Senior Breakfast - 8am - CFSB Center; Administrative Professionals Day

April 28th - Dissertations & Theses have signatures and routed to Provost Office for Spring Graduation


May 13th - Commencement - TBD - CFSB Center

May 15th - 10am - All grades due for Full Term/2nd

May 29th - Memorial Day Observance - No Classes; University Closed


June 1st - Racer Nation Orientation

June 2nd - BOR Meeting

June 3rd - Racer Nation Orientation

June 14th - Racer Nation Orientation

June 16th - Racer Nation Orientation

June 19th - Juneteenth Observance - No Classes; University Closed


July 6th - Racer Nation Orientation

July 31st - TENTATIVE - Spring/Winter Schedule Drafts sent to Departments


August 3rd - Racer Nation Orientation

ALL ACADEMIC DEADLINES - murraystate.edu/deadlines


Alex Hayden, CDI ~ April 5th

Dr. Kelly Roger, ACS ~ April 6th

Kelly Vaughan, CDI ~ April 7th

Becky Jones, CDI ~ April 9th


"When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too."

-Paulo Coelho



Want to add something to the next Midweek Round-Up? 

Click the button to the right! 

Please be as detailed as possible.

Contact Natalie Copeland with any questions!



Murray State University College of Education and Human Services March Madness Bracket Pool

Now that the Madness is over, here are the final standings:


Second Place: Natalie Copeland & Susan Krieb

Fourth Place: Missy Tish & Tamela Darnell

Sixth Place: Holly Bloodworth

Seventh Place: Katherine Farmer & Libby Davis

Ninth Place: Patricia Greer

Tenth Place: Dr. Samir Patel

Eleventh Place: Dr. Susana Bloomdahl

Twelfth Place: Dr. Miguel Gomez


Since we played for both first AND last place, we'd like to recognize Katie Kriesky and Dr. Ben Littlepage! Upon Dr. Littlepage's return from Hungary, they will receive their certificates (below*), as well as their Dairy Queen Blizzards! Thank you to all who participated, we had a great time! 

*Full disclosure: I did have to use a little Photoshop magic for Ben's picture since he's overseas!*