March 15, 2023 - March 21, 2023

COEHS Midweek Round-Up

The Weekly Faculty and Staff Newsletter of the College of Education and Human Services at Murray State University

Teacher Education Services

Spring Teacher Career Fair || March 10, 2023


Good Wednesday morning, and a special thank you to Natalie Copeland for producing the College’s Midweek Round-Up. I hope this Midweek Round-Up finds you celebrating the waning of winter months and looking forward to spring as the weather slowly turns a bit warmer and trees begin to leaf out. Eight weeks to go in this academic semester! In the remaining time, we look forward to the traditional plethora of college and university events including this Friday’s COEHS Golden Scholars’ program, the Sparks Lecture, COEHS Graduating Senior Recognition Luncheon, COEHS Faculty/Staff Recognition Luncheon, Graduate Hooding Ceremonies for both the CDI and ELC departments, and finally Commencement (on May 13).

The month of March is an incredible landmark month.

So much to celebrate.

I’ll stop here except to write that I know how very busy and complex our academic lives are these days, especially during the latter part of spring semester. We truly have a remarkable faculty, staff, and students, and I am evermore grateful for the fine work that you do. If there is anything we can do for you, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

-Dean David Whaley


What's new in COEHS?


From Dr. Jessica Evans:

Information about CAEP

I hope everyone has had a good start to the semester. We have a few new faces joining us this year, so I wanted to provide a brief update to introduce (or reintroduce) people to our accreditation process.

The College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) is continuing preparation for our virtual site visit by the Council on the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) and the State Standards Board (EPSB), which is scheduled for October 15-17, 2023. The success of our state and national accreditation is dependent upon the involvement of the faculty in educator preparation provider (EPP) programs, members of the Murray State community, and our partners in schools and districts across the region. There are almost 50 academic programs across four colleges (COEHS, CHFA, JCSET, HSOA) that are being reviewed as part of the CAEP re-accreditation process.

Please see this brief video update with more information and next steps. As always, if there are any questions, please feel free to reach out. 

From Dr. Susana Bloomdahl:

CoEHS Outstanding Staff Support Award

Please submit your nominations for the 2023 Outstanding Staff Support Award. The Outstanding Staff Support Award will be given to a full-time staff employee of the College of Education and Human Services who has been employed within the units for a minimum of two years. The deadline is March 31st. Submit your nominations here

CoEHS Outstanding Research & Creative Activity Award

All faculty members of the College of Education and Human Services are invited to apply for the Outstanding Faculty Research or Creative Activity Award. The application deadline is March 31. Please submit your application here

From Natalie Copeland:

COEHS March Madness Bracket Competition 

As a student worker in ELC, I put together a bracket competition last year. This year, I thought it would be fun to expand it to a college-wide contest! Click here if you want to join in on the Madness, but be quick - your bracket must be submitted by 11:00am Central time on Thursday, March 16th!


From Dr. Whitney Cassity-Caywood:

Personal Accomplishment

My research project/collaboration with the Lifeskills Center for Child Welfare Education and Research was highlighted on Twitter this week, which you can view at this link


From Madison Hobbs:

Call for Sessions, Proposals

If you are interested in presenting at The Summit, which will be taking place on June 12th and 13th virtually, be sure to fill out this Google Form.


CDI 686 

Students in Becky Jones's CDI 686 (Adult and Pediatric Swallowing Disorders) class participated in a "Dysphagia Potluck" in which members of the class prepared a dish as it would be prescribed to a patient with a swallowing disorder. This was done in an effort to help students understand the importance of mindfully recommending diets and the impact on the patient's quality of life. 


Tamela Darnell, Leprechaun Libby Davis, and Natalie Copeland took the Swaggin' Wagon on the road to Carr Hall!


Alpha Upsilon Alpha Literacy Honors Society members helped at Calloway County Public Library’s Read Across America event!


CDI is headed to Ireland for Spring Break, so Leprechaun Libby stopped by to wish them a safe trip!


Drs. Whaley and Bloomdahl agreed to take plates of whipped cream to the face to celebrate International "Pie" Day! Thanks to Tamela Darnell for supplying the whipped cream and doing the pie-ing!


The Spring Teacher Career Fair was a big success!

Check out more photos from the Teacher Career Fair here!



Be sure to follow along on social media as COEHS goes abroad! 

Coming up, we have CDI going to Ireland and Dr. Ben Littlepage going to Hungary. 

Follow @msucoehsabroad on Instagram and Twitter to keep up with their adventures overseas!




Dr. Chanel Schwenck sent a shout-out to Libby Davis:

"I'd love to give a shout-out to Libby for taking such good care of ECE since Emily left. She already has one department and now she's looking out for us as well. It means a lot and we are SO thankful!! Especially for the chocolates!  :-) "


Dr. Chanel Schwenck also sent a shout-out to Nicole:

"I'd love to give a shout-out to Nicole Kennedy in TES for her commitment to admitting students to Teacher Education quickly and efficiently. The turnaround has been so fast and she's good about catching things that might have been overlooked in the process. 

Great job, Nicole!"


Dr. Vigil received an anonymous shout-out!

"Dr. Vigil is a prime example of a great colleague and instructor. Her focus on the wellness of our students and the rigor of the educational experiences in her classroom is outstanding. Not only that, she also dedicates much of her time to student support services that connect students with the college. You are amazing Dr. Vigil!"


"Dr. Karen Mackey brings so much teaching and administrative experience to make her instruction to students be both effective and meaningful. Her passion for the teaching profession encourages many students to pursue this career path. Dr. Mackey’s respected reputation strengthens COEHS relationships with school districts to encourage schools to allow education students to complete practicum hours. She puts forth tremendous effort in her interactions with student teacher candidates to make them excited to become teachers."


"Mr. Adam Blair has done an exceptional job growing the MSU Henderson Education Program. His students consistently share that they choose teaching because of his passion for the profession. Students can always count on Mr. Blair to support them achieve their goal to become a teacher. Mr. Blair creates a positive learning environment to promote students entering the teaching profession."


Dr. Patel got a shout-out from his administrative assistant, Libby Davis:

"Dr. Patel always keeps me on my toes and continues to make me laugh! He is a great leader and very caring to his faculty, staff and students."


"As a new-ish faculty member in the college, Andrea has been impressive with her leadership skills and honesty. Her understanding of higher education and awareness of program standards has made her a valuable addition to the college. I appreciate her conscientious and purposeful feedback for program improvement, and her dedication to student growth. On a personal note, I truly appreciate her matter-of-fact communication style, and her good sense of humor. Thank you for being a great colleague, Andrea!"


Natalie got an anonymous shout-out:

"I want to shout-out Natalie for coming in to her temp position in the Dean's Office and just rocking it from the beginning."


Missy received an anonymous shout-out: 

"Missy is not only is a rockstar for the KATE department, but she also does so much more for the college. Missy does a lot of behind the scenes work for the college from running the TVs, paperwork for tech upgrades for the building, checking calendars and so much more. Thank you for being awesome Missy. You are very much appreciated by EVERYONE in the college."


Dr. Mi-Hwa Park says: 

"Our college is fortunate to have Dr. Jessica Pryor on board. We are blessed to have a professor with such enthusiasm, passion, positivity, and dedication in our Early Childhood and Elementary Education Department. Dr. Jessica Pryor, as a hard worker, is the one who usually arrives early and leaves the building last from Monday through Friday. In an effort to create a supportive and inclusive 'family-environment' at ECE, she gives each faculty and staff member a Valentine's Day card. Moreover, she prepares a birthday card for a faculty member and encourages faculty and staff to write birthday cards for their colleagues."


Dr. Katy Hancock sent a shout-out to Libby Davis:

"Libby has been such a great help to me, even though I am not in her department. She is always willing to help and answer questions. And she has great dad jokes!"


Dee received not one, but TWO shout-outs! 

#1 - "Dee does such a wonderful job as an admin. She is always ahead of the game and on the ball, supports the faculty, staff, students, GAs and student workers amazingly, and is absolutely the heart of the CLHS department."


#2 - "Dee is what makes the CLHS department run so efficiently. She is the positive light in CLHS and handles many different job duties with a smile on her face. Thank you Dee for all that you do for CLHS. You are a joy to work with."


Howard the Duck wants to send a shout out to Tamela and Natalie: 

"He is looking dapper and ready for work in his COEHS satchel courtesy of the Swaggin' Wagon!"


"Shelly is such a gift to the ACS department! She consistently goes above and beyond to make sure that everything is running smoothly. She is the glue that holds her department together and is such a light to COEHS! She is so appreciated and we’re incredibly lucky to have her." 

So true! Keep it up, Shelly!


"Nikki is the most positive person in this building. She always has a smile on her face and is ready to laugh, even when times are tough. She is brilliant as well; her professional successes are incomparable. Not only does she have a positive personality and a brilliant mind, but she also has an amazing sense of style. This lady has it all!!" 

Thanks for all you do, Dr. Gaylord!

To send your own shout-out, click on the button below to fill out the form.

It will appear in the Midweek Round-Up as well as on the Faculty and Staff Shout-Out Board by the Dean's Office! Be sure to check it out when you're walking by!


*Dates are subject to change*

March 15th – Graduation application deadline for Graduate Students – August Applicants

March 17th - Golden Scholars Dessert Reception - 5:30 p.m. (Atrium, Auditorium)

March 20th-24th - Spring Break; No Classes. University Closed March 22nd-24th

March 27th - Advanced Scheduling for Summer

March 29th - Racer Day


April 1st - Fall Textbook Orders Due; December graduation application deadline for Undergraduate Students

April 3rd-7th - Advanced Scheduling for Fall Semester

April 12th - All Campus Sing - 3pm - Quad

April 13th - Faculty Recognition Banquet - 5:30pm - Curris Center Ballroom

April 14th - Racer Nation Orientation (Honors)

April 15th - Racer Nation Orientation; Student deadline to upload theses/dissertations into Digital Commons

April 21st - Distinguished Alumni Reception and Dinner - 5:30pm - CFSB Murray Room

April 25th - Sparks Lecture - 5:00 p.m. (Atrium, Auditorium)

April 26th - Senior Breakfast - 8am - CFSB Center; Administrative Professionals Day

April 28th - Dissertations & Theses have signatures and routed to Provost Office for Spring Graduation


May 13th - Commencement - TBD - CFSB Center

May 15th - 10am - All grades due for Full Term/2nd

May 29th - Memorial Day Observance - No Classes; University Closed


June 1st - Racer Nation Orientation

June 2nd - BOR Meeting

June 3rd - Racer Nation Orientation

June 14th - Racer Nation Orientation

June 16th - Racer Nation Orientation

June 19th - Juneteenth Observance - No Classes; University Closed


July 6th - Racer Nation Orientation

July 31st - TENTATIVE - Spring/Winter Schedule Drafts sent to Departments


August 3rd - Racer Nation Orientation



Congratulations to our COEHS celebrities of the week:

Donna Wear (Staff) and Dr. Sean Simons (Faculty)!

We applaud each of you for your outstanding contributions and appreciate all that you do for COEHS!


Dr. Nikki Gaylord, CDI ~ March 16th

National Criminal Justice Month

Did you know that March is National Criminal Justice Month? Dr. Daniel Hepworth, Program Coordinator for Criminal Justice, took some time to reflect on the occasion. He kindly provided the quote of the week (below) by speaking to the significance of the field, as well as the work that goes into preparing future criminal justice professionals.


"Criminal Justice Month is a great time to stop and reflect on the hard work and often thankless jobs carried out by so many men and women in the field. We in the Murray State University Criminal Justice Program do our best to prepare our students to enter into a very difficult profession, but also one that is absolutely critical."

-Dr. Daniel Hepworth



Want to add something to the next Midweek Round-Up? 

Click the button to the right! 

Please be as detailed as possible.

Contact Natalie Copeland with any questions!

The mission of the College of Education and Human Services is to prepare future leaders, advocates, and practitioners through authentic, engaging, and student-centered academic programs for successful careers that positively impact communities.