Welcome to the EdTech Explorer Program, an initiative by the Kentucky Academy of Technology Education in the College of Education and Human Services at Murray State University, designed to immerse faculty and staff in the world of educational technology, and promote a culture of continuous learning and peer collaboration. We can't wait to work together to transform our college and enhance our students' learning experiences!
Your EdTech journey starts here, and we can’t wait to see where it takes you!
KATE serves both an internal and external audience for EdTech professional development. We’ve developed distinct branding to help differentiate between the two groups:
EDTECH EXPLORERS: This is the umbrella under which KATE packages all EdTech professional development and support for COEHS.
#eduKATE COMMUNITY: This is the branding used for all external professional development for PK-12 teachers.
The initiatives receive the same content and resources, but the EdTech Explorer Program was specifically designed for COEHS members and includes more robust support and in-person engagement opportunities.
The EdTech Explorers Program is structured around a professional development menu. This menu was designed with four key categories to lead you on a comprehensive journey to grow your EdTech knowledge and skills:
CATEGORY 1: Reflection & Building Community
CATEGORY 2: Professional Learning & Development
CATEGORY 3: Application and Integration
CATEGORY 4: Leadership and Advocacy
Tasks on the PD menu that are highlighted in “blue” are opportunities provided and promoted by the KATE office, while the tasks in “white” are ones you can choose to engage in independently. Of course, we are happy to provide support for the independent activities as well. Since KATE focuses on providing EdTech professional development, most activities facilitated by our office will be found in Category 2: Learning.
All of the tasks align with the ISTE Educator Standards, which are the standards that have been adopted by the College of Education and Human Services for CAEP Accreditation. These standards will serve the roadmap for your journey as you:
Reflect on your personal learning goals to facilitate continuous growth.
Connect with peers and actively participate in Professional Learning Networks (PLNs) to improve your practice and learn from others.
Engage in professional development, both independently and collaboratively, to deepen your EdTech pedagogy.
Apply & Integrate educational technology by implementing and refining technology-enhanced lessons and activities into your teaching, facilitating opportunities for your students to engage with the ISTE Student Standards.
Lead & Advocate by sharing your EdTech knowledge and experiences within the COEHS learning community and beyond, contributing to the effective use of technology in education.
Your EdTech Explorer journey is gamified, offering a model for how you could incorporate gamified learning into your own courses - and, of course, to infuse a little fun into your learning. Here’s how it works:
For every task you complete from the EdTech Explorers PD Menu, you earn points. As you accumulate points throughout the year, you’ll advance through four different levels of mastery:
LEVEL 1 250 - 499 points
LEVEL 2 500 - 999 points
LEVEL 3 1000 - 1499 points
LEVEL 4 1500+ points
You can track your progress through the levels on the Mario Leaderboard located on the 3rd floor of Alexander Hall. This leaderboard celebrates everyone who has “leveled-up” their EdTech knowledge! A digital leaderboard will also be shared monthly, showcasing the top 5 overall point earners and the top 5 earners for the month.
Display your EdTech journey on your EdTech Explorer Sash! Activities that are eligible for a badge are marked on the points menu.
Here are some additional components of the EdTech Explorers Program we would like you to be aware of:
TECH MATTERS NEWSLETTER: This newsletter is sent out at least once a month and includes updates related to EdTech Explorers and other relevant EdTech news. The current newsletter and all archived issues can be found on this site.
#eduKATE GOOGLE GROUP: The #eduKATE Google Group serves as the Professional Learning Network (PLN) for the #eduKATE Community and is a key area where EdTech Explorers and the #eduKATE Community overlap. It provides a space for asking questions, resource sharing, and discussion. We encourage you to join and contribute to this group.
POP-UP TASKS: Throughout the year, we may introduce special pop-up tasks that are not listed on the menu. For example, last year, we featured the 25 Day CTRL+ALT+DECLUTTER Challenge.
FIRST FRIDAYS: First Friday events are an opportunity for you to engage with the COEHS learning community in-person. We try to host one event per month during the semester.
PERSONALIZED EDTECH SUPPORT: KATE is here to help you brainstorm and co-plan how to integrate technology into your teaching through email, open office hours and 1-on-1 coaching sessions.