Searchlight: a Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method for Arbitrarily High Dimensions

Peter Behroozi,  University of Arizona

Video Recording


Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods are widely used across science and industry to extract the range of physical model parameters consistent with observed data.  Yet, current exploration algorithms do not scale well to the millions to trillions of parameters present in the most advanced models, including climate, macroeconomics, and astronomical models.  As well, exploration of neural network parameter spaces (a.k.a. Bayesian Deep Learning) remains impossible for all but the simplest models. I provide physical intuition for why high dimensional spaces are hard to explore with existing algorithms and show preliminary results from a new MCMC method (Searchlight) that has generically logarithmic scaling with dimensionality, and hence will scale to trillions of dimensions and beyond.


Dr. Peter Behroozi is an associate professor in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Arizona.  His main research involves resimulating the Universe millions of times on supercomputers to reconstruct how galaxies evolved over time, which prompted his interest in more efficient MCMC algorithms.  He has received many awards for his research, including a Packard Fellowship, and he is a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher.
