Current developments in plant modelling at Wageningen-UR


Development of crop and plant simulation models in Wageningen has a long tradition starting already in 1965 with the publication on photosynthesis of leaf canopies by C.T. de Wit ( Today, a variety of modelling approaches are still in active development which include classical crop simulation models, advanced crop models linking to genotypes and biochemistry as well as functional-structural models that include detailed modelling of plant architecture. My own contribution within this range of modelling activities has been mainly in the development and application of the WOFOST cropping system model. Besides a general introduction I will give a more detailed description of WOFOST, model implementations and availability, additional resources available as well as some applications of the model.


During my career at Wageningen University and Research I have been responsible for the execution of projects and activities related to agro-meteorology and remote sensing. This includes the set up of crop monitoring systems in the EU within the framework of MARS as well as dedicated systems in Russia, China and Morocco. Further, I cooperated in international teams on various research activities related to integrating crop models and remote sensing which led to a PhD and several well cited publications. More recently, I worked within our team to apply the same technologies for supporting smallholder farmers in developing countries (Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Myanmar) with crop advisories integrating agronomic and weather information. Finally, I am a lead developer of some important software packages such as WOFOST, the PCSE modelling framework and derived packages like the CalibrationManager which has been used to calibrate the WOFOST model with the MARS system.

Public repository for WOFOST and PCSE code

Home of the WOFOST crop simulation model
