Decarbonizing Concrete with Artificial Intelligence

With an annual production of 4 tons per capita, concrete is the second most used material in the world after water. Although concrete has largely defined modern society, it comes with a hidden cost: it is a climate killer. Concrete contributes to 8% of global CO 2 emissions, which is quadruple the emissions of the entire aviation industry. In this presentation, I will discuss how artificial intelligence can be used to reduce the carbon footprint of concrete. Based on a dataset of more than 1 million concrete mixtures, we trained a series of machine learning models that accurately predict the performance of a concrete formulation based on its mixture proportions.

Based on these models, we introduced an inverse design engine that generates optimal concrete formulations featuring minimum carbon footprint while meeting all required performance targets and constraints. This approach results in an average reduction in concrete’s global warming potential (GWP) of 30%—with no changes in the raw materials, no modification of the production process, and no cost premium.



Mathieu Bauchy is an Associate Professor in the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). His research focuses on decoding the physics governing the behavior of construction materials using simulations and artificial intelligence—with a focus on decarbonizing the construction industry. He is also co-founder of the cleantech startup, which uses generative AI to prescribe new concrete formulations that are both less carbon-intensive and more economical.


(measurement error, human error, error in concrete batchng/machinery, data processing/recording error, intrinsic variability of concrete, unexpected but true behavior)