Multisector Dynamics: Emerging Field, Insights, and Applications

Bob Vallario, U.S. Department of Energy


The human-earth system—including settlements, infrastructure, natural resources, socioeconomics, and interdependent sectors and natural systems—is highly complex and continuously changing, with climate stressors and influences shaping it in myriad, often unanticipated ways, from local to global scales.   The Department of Energy’s research in MultiSector Dynamics seeks to advance scientific understanding of these complex interactions and the resulting co-evolutionary pathways of the components and the integrated system.  Insights and tools emerging from MultiSector Dynamics hold significant potential to inform next-generation infrastructure and more resilient socioeconomic and environmental systems.  Advanced modeling, data, and analysis tools address a broad range of topics, ranging from coastal resilience and energy transitions and security to urban morphology and the critical connections among energy, water, and land (e.g., agriculture) systems. Both gradual and abrupt changes induced by slow acting forces and system shocks are of interest.  

DOE Multisector Dynamics Program Community


Bob Vallario is a Program Manager in Earth and Environmental Systems Modeling, U.S. Department of Energy.   Bob manages a broad portfolio of basic research in Multisector Dynamics.  He has a 31-year history with DOE and prior experience working for a DOE national laboratory and a major scientific consulting company.  His leadership has extended to numerous DOE-wide and interagency activities, from Secretarial initiatives at the energy-water nexus to specific activities within the National Science and Technology Council and the US Global Change Research Program. 
