Modeling Complex Systems of Chemical Reactions

Many societally important systems involve multiple chemical reactions. These include smog, the ozone hole, the environmental fate of materials, and processes to make fuels, materials, and pharmaceuticals. Accurate predictive models for any of these systems are or would be valuable, either to allow design and optimization of desired processes, or to guide actions to ameliorate undesired processes. But developing reactive chemistry models with sufficient predictive power is difficult. One of many challenges in this field is data scarcity, and the “clumpiness” of the data that do exist. In this presentation I will briefly review how the need for chemical reaction models has been addressed historically, and then discuss some ways we have recently combined physical models, experimental data, high-performance computers, and machine-learning techniques to make further progress.



William H. Green is a world leader in chemical kinetics, reaction engineering, prediction of chemical reactions and properties, and in development of related algorithms and software. He has led many combined experimental/modeling research projects related to fuels, combustion, pyrolysis, and oxidative stability, and he invented an instrument to directly measure rate coefficients for multi-channel reactions. He developed computer methods to predict the behavior of complicated reacting mixtures, many of which are included in the Reaction Mechanism Generator software package. His group has also developed machine-learning methods and software (ASKCOS and Chemprop) for accurately predicting the products of organic reactions and reaction sequences leading to desired products, and for predicting many chemical properties. Prof. Green also invents and analyzes technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, particularly in the transportation/fuel sector. Two of his inventions are now being commercialized, one by Thiozen, a company he co-founded. Prof. Green earned his B.A. from Swarthmore College, and his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley. After postdocs at Cambridge University and the University of Pennsylvania, he worked for Exxon for six years before joining the Chemical Engineering faculty at MIT in 1997. He has co-authored 350 journal articles, which have been cited about 23,000 times. He is a Fellow of the AAAS and of the Combustion Institute, and has received the American Chemical Society’s Glenn Award in Energy & Fuel Chemistry and the AIChE’s Wilhelm Award in Reaction Engineering. He previously served as the Editor of the International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, as the faculty chair of MIT’s Mobility of the Future project, and as the Executive Officer of the MIT Department of Chemical Engineering.
