Flexible information processing in complex networks: from brains to neuromorphic computing

Christoph Kirst, University of  California San Francisco (UCSF)

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Considerable evidence has shown that the brain can reconfigure certain operations “on the fly”, at speeds seemingly incompatible with lasting plastic changes in the underlying neuroanatomy. Such dynamic reconfiguration processes are observed in the visual system, in attention guided perception or in context based processing. Imagining studies of global brain activity have further uncovered that information might be exchanged between brain areas on an “as needed” basis. Loss of this flexibility has been implicated in neurological and psychiatric disorders. However, the network dynamical mechanisms underlying flexible computational reconfiguration of neuronal networks are not well understood. 

Here we I identify [1,2] a generic mechanism to flexibly distribute information in complex networks. We propose that neuronal network activity has two separate components: a collective reference state on top of which information is encoded and distributed in deviations from this reference, a networked version of how radio signals broadcast information via frequency or amplitude modulation. In networks, switching between dynamical reference states then enables fast and flexible rerouting of information. In coupled oscillator networks we show analytically how the physical network structure and the dynamical reference state co-act in order to generate a specific information routing pattern [1].

We then discuss how this mechanism can be used to flexibly reconfigure computations [2]. We numerically show that such a mechanism can be employed for self-organized information processing that naturally enables context dependent pattern-recognition in an oscillatory Hopfield network and an analog version of believe propagation.

We are currently exploring learning strategies within this approach [3] and developing novel data analysis tools combining dimension reduction and dynamic motif detection to identify possible reference dynamics in multi-site electrode recordings of neuronal brain activity.

If time permits, we will also discuss how we are currently using our brain inspired approach to design novel neuromorphic hardware based on energy efficient super-conducting oscillators [4]. 

[1] Kirst, Timme, Battaglia, Nature communications (2016)

[2] Kirst, Magnasco, Modes, Current Opinion in Systems Biology (2017)

[3] Zhang, Kirst (in prep)

[4] Cheng, Vasudevan*, Kirst*, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (2023)

Dr. Kirst studies how brains perform computations with a focus on how neuronal circuits achieve their flexible function and coordinate processing among different sub-networks.

He works in the interface between mathematics, physics, computer science, and neurobiology to build theoretical, mechanistic as well as conceptual understanding of flexible brain function. He collaborates closely with experimentalists on a broader range of model systems, data sets, and experimental paradigms to investigate the structure, dynamics, modulation, and function of single neurons, neuronal circuits, large-scale neuronal networks, and whole brains.
