5th-Grade Art

Comic Strip Character Design

The Lesson: As extension of the art-making techniques and tools used in the previous lesson (Scientific Illustration), students examined the work of four contemporary cartoonist, comparing style in messaging as well as character design. With this in mind, students discussed and further researched some of the many ways in which we/they can help in 'saving our planet' and how said messages could be depicted via comic illustrations, as we celebrated Earth Day on April 22, 2021. Upon formulating an idea for their comic strip, students were first tasked with drafting a "comic strip script" and then with designing appropriate characters to used in their final project: Creating a PSI (Public Service Message) comic strip in an effort to help save our planet. The works seen below were captured from students' 'character design' pages and therefore may vary from those presented in the final comic strip.

Lesson Objectives: Students can make decisions during the creative process that best support the intended point of view as they utilize contemporary media to effectively communicate intended meaning (Visual Arts - 2020 Colorado Academic Standards, 2020).


Visual Arts - 2020 Colorado Academic Standards. (2020). Colorado Arts Standards. https://www.cde.state.co.us/coarts/2020cas-va-p12