Searching Assessment

This page contains most of the information you need in order to search for tests you or someone who has shared tests with you have made. There are various ways to do so and you'll find a few options below.

It is recommended you log into Synergy Assessment yourself and practice while you look through these examples.


Searching for Tests

There are several different places your created tests will show up within the Synergy Assessment tool. It's advised that you use the search tags when creating a test to help make it easier and faster to find tests that you have made, particularly if you have several different types of classes.

Summary Cards

Summary Cards are the five square buttons at the top of the dashboard when you first access Synergy Assessment. These can also be used to navigate to some tests - specifically ones that are currently or going to be active, as well as tests that have been completed. 

Clicking on one of the summary cards pulls up a Full Search tool for each of the related items - listed below. These pages function similarly to the Full Test search instructions at the bottom of this page.

Summary Card Types

Active Students - this lists all the students currently taking a test that you have access to.

Active Tests - this lists all of the tests that are currently active that you have access to.

To Grade - this lists all of the tests that require manual grading, this page is different from other pages. Find more information here!

Now & Upcoming - this lists all of the currently or upcoming scheduled tests whether they are currently active or not.

Completed Results - this lists only the tests that have been completed and have results for viewing.

Summary Cards.mp4

Quick Search

Quick Search.mp4

How to Use Quick Search

Quick search is found right on your dashboard once you open Assessment! It's the little bar in the center of the screen.

From here you can type in the name, ID, or other related information into the bar to find a Bank, Test, Instance (Scheduled Test), Question, Passage, Standard, Student, Staff, or Section!

It's quite simple to use:

Full Search

Full search has to be navigated to, and it can be found in the "three dot" menu located under the quick access buttons on the dashboard - and there are actually several different full search tools based on what type of item you are searching for. Banks are essentially folders that can contain Tests, Questions, Passages, and any combination of those. Tests are your Full, Quick, and Overlay tests. Questions are all of the questions you've created or someone has shared with you. Passages are your uploaded or typed passages for use within a test.

How to Use Full Search

Full Search.mp4

For a full breakdown of each search and filter options, click here! (There's a LOT)