Question Types

This page contains most of the information you need in order to learn about Questions Types. Pace yourself! There are quite a few types of questions and each one works a bit differently from the others.

It is recommended you play with these question types and build your own test in order to understand how they work!


Paper or Online Question Types

(Video Instructions Coming Soon!)

Constructed Response - The student produces their own response to the prompt or question, rather than choosing from a list. Can be typed, written, drawn, or recorded. Manually graded.

Evidence-Based Selected-Response - EBSR items consist of two parts, where the first item leads the student into the second. By it's nature, if a student answers the first one incorrectly, both answers are incorrect. There's not much of a functional difference between this one and Multi-Part when printing. Depending on the types of questions this would be automatically or manually graded.

Matching - The student matches multiple responses to multiple statements - on a chart, it's not a "draw the line" or "drag and match" sort of question. Automatically graded online, manually graded offline.

Multi-Part - Multiple questions can be tied to the same passage. By default, this works fairly similarly to EBSR questions, but can be made a bit more complex and doesn't have the "if the first answer is wrong, then it is all wrong" intention. Depending on the question types used, automatically or manually graded.

Multiple-Choice - The student selects an answer from multiple possible answers. Automatically graded.

Multiple Select - The student selects all the answers from multiple possible answers. Automatically graded.

True/False - The student selects if a statement is true or false. Automatically graded.

A note about Bubble Sheets and GradeCam: Bubble Sheets and GradeCam only work with a limited set of question types - Multiple-Choice, Multiple Select, True/False, and Multi-Part (but only if using the other question types). If you use a question type that doesn't work, the option to use GradeCam and bubble sheets will be unavailable.

Online Only Question Types

Graphic Drag and Drop - the student clicks and drags images or text over a larger background image.

Hot Spot - the student selects from spots on an image to answer the item. This actually shows where the student can click.

Hot Text - the student is given a writing sample where they are tasked with selecting sentences or words based on a prompt you provide.

Inline Choice - this is similar to Text Drag and Drop, but the student is presented with a writing sample where they can make drop-down selections from within the text.

Number Line - the student interacts with a number line or plots points or lines on a graph to create a line plot.

Select Point - this is like a harder Hot Spot question, the hotspots do NOT show up as visible to students.

Text Drag and Drop - this works somewhat like Inline Choice, except the student is presented with a writing sample where they can drag and drop selections from a bank into the writing sample directly.

Text Entry - the student is shown blank spaces to complete/fill-in. There are a couple settings within this to make this more precise.

(Video Instructions Coming Soon!)