Kern High School DistrictÂ
Digital Learning Resources
Everything you need in one place...
Welcome to the Kern High School District Digital Learning Resources website. Here you'll find everything you need to get set up with enhancing your classroom using educational technology.
These materials are divided into these categories:
Canvas - this part of the website covers the Canvas LMS platform. It contains a comprehensive guide to getting started on Canvas for both teachers and students/parents.
Google Workspace - this part of the website covers the various Google Workspace tools available to you and your students such as Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets; Google Hangouts; and even YouTube.
Microsoft Office 365 - this part of the website is dedicated to quick start guides and tips for the various Microsoft Office 365 apps that have dominated the market for decades, including "newer" additions like OneDrive and OneNote.
Hardware - In this section of the website, you'll find resources to help you with understanding how to use the various hardware tools we use on our school sites.
Other Resources - There are a lot of organizations and companies providing help and services to families and teachers. This page contains a list of those companies.
FAQs - This section contains frequently asked questions from staff, students, and parents.
KHSD Staff: Interested in Training?
Click here to learn more about Docs, Slides, Sheets, Classroom and many more of the awesome
Google Apps for Education!
Click here to learn more about Microsoft Office 365 and what this powerful collection of popular Microsoft apps can do.
Click here to learn more about the various hardware tools and electronics our district utiltizes, such as Chromebooks, Surface Pros, and ViewBoards
Click here to connect to various other resources designed for teachers, students, and parents like Khan Academy and Wide Open School