Inbox and Calendar

Inbox and Calendar


In this video...
We'll cover how Inbox and Calendar fit into Canvas as well as some functions and features of these powerful tools.

You can send and receive Inbox messages, automate some processes by utilizing Grade Book events, and maintain organization for course work automatically on calendar.

Slide Deck Tutorial
This information is also broken down in this slide deck so that you can learn at whatever pace is comfortable for you.

For more information you can take a look at this Google Doc or scroll down.

02_Inbox Messages and Calendar

Canvas Calendar

Your Canvas Calendar is the fourth link on the navigation menu. Any published assignment that has a due date will appear in the calendar. Any course highlighted with a colored box will appear on the calendar (see far right side of the image below). The calendar can be viewed three different ways:

  • Week

  • Month

  • Agenda (calendar view in the image below)

Canvas Inbox

Your Canvas Inbox is the fifth link on the navigation menu. Inbox in Canvas is a lot like email. Begin a conversation by clicking the pencil icon, select a class, and the recipient of

  • To view conversations, sort, begin a new conversation, or to look one up by a student, click on the “Inbox” link from the navigation menu

  • Conversations can be sorted by course, inbox, unread, sent, starred, archived, submission comment, and/or by student name. To begin a conversation, click on the pencil icon.

Other Resources

A Recorded Meeting by KCSOS

Kern County Superintendent of Schools has provided training sessions over the last month on Canvas. This is a recording of one such session on Canvas's Inbox and Calendar features.