Cross-Listing and Copying Courses

Cross-Listing and Copying Courses

You've built your courses, you've downloaded templates from Commons, and now you need to figure out a way to get all of that work into your 5+ periods' worth of classes. Good news! There's a couple of ways to do that! Bad news! There's a couple of ways to do that. This lesson is more complicated than the others because there are some things you will need to consider when deciding which way to distribute your courses.

Both of these methods will require that you use the Course Import Tool to import your KHSD Template Courses into at least one of your sections. If you decide to Cross-list your courses, you will need to cross-list into one of the Synergy Generated Courses with students currently enrolled. Do not cross-list classes into a course that you have created yourself.

Copying Course Content (Importing)

Another way to get content from your "Content Course" into other courses is to use the import course content tool. This is found in every Course that you create under settings. The option to import appears on the right-hand navigation menu. From here you can import content from any of your other courses into the one you are currently viewing. You can import some or all of your content from a course and you can do this repeatedly as you update content. An important thing to note is that this is all manual - everything you do will need to be done in each of the courses you want to transfer content to. This video will show you how to do this.

Importing Course Content Pros and Cons




Cross-listing courses is a way to essentially "link" a course to another by changing one course into a "section" of the main one. A way to think about this is you have a Content Course, a Synergy-generated course where you've put all of your content for a class, and a Period Course, which contains the complete roster of your students from Synergy. In order to cross-list, you'll need to go into each "Period Course" and go into it's settings and cross-list into one of your Synergy-Generated Courses. This is outlined in the attached video here.

Cross-Listing Tutorial v2.mp4

Cross-Listing Pros and Cons



Cross Listing Section View.mp4

One last thing...

By default, cross-listed sections can see each other. Meaning students in one section can see all of their peers in other sections. To change this, you need to go through a bit of a process. You do not have to change this setting, but you may want to at your discretion.

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