Creating Assignments

Getting Started Pt. 2

Getting Started Part 2.mp4

Course Modules, Assignments, and Rubrics

This video covers what our trainers consider the easiest way to fill out your classes - using Course Modules. The video itself walks through how to find Modules, how to create them, making and using Assignment Shells, adding content to those shells, creating rubrics, and how to adjust your course navigation links so that Modules are front and center.

The following section breaks down the Assignment Creation process.

Using Assignment Shells to Create Assignments in 5 Steps!

Add content to the “shell” assignment in “Modules”
To add content to the assignment shell, go to “Modules,” find the assignment shell and click on the title of the assignment to open it. Once opened, click “Edit,” now you can add content to the assignment shell and add the assignment details. Complete the following five steps to finish the assignment.

STEP 1: Edit content “shell”
Select the assignment shell's name and then select "Edit" to open the edit content page for that assignment.

STEP 2: Add content to the “shell”

Briefly introduce the assignment, provide instructions for completing the assignment, then explain how the assignment will be submitted in Canvas. If you are used to Google Classroom, one bonus you'll find is that this is a rich text editor, which will allow you to change font styles, color, size, and add links within the text of the description.

Click “Save” to save the content you added. (This is just to make sure you don't accidentally lose your progress, and can be skipped if you're bold!)

STEP 3: Setup the “ASSIGNMENT Details”

If you saved before, select "Edit" once more. Scroll down to add:
Points - this is the max score of the assignment;
Assignment Group - this is the assignment category (customizable);
Display Grade as - how students will see their score for this assignment;
Submission Type - how students respond to the assignment;
Group Assignment - toggles ability to do group assignments;
Peer Review -
toggles requirement for students to review others;
Assign to - this allows for differentiation, defaults to everyone;
Due - set the due date of the assignment, Canvas automates some tasks with this function in use;

Don't forget to select “Save" to save the assignment.

STEP 4 (optional): Setup Rubric

Select "Edit" once more, scroll down and select "add Rubric," and then select “Edit”
This allows you to name the rubric (for future use on other assignments), set the criteria, points, check “use this rubric for assignment grading” (this is optional if you want to use the rubric for feedback only),
Select “Create Rubric” and then select "Save."

Almost done!

STEP 5: Publish the assignment

Locate the “Not Published” button at the top of the page and click it to “Publish” the assignment. Once published, the button will turn green and the assignment is no longer an empty shell.

And you're done! This may have been slow going the first time around, but as you practice creating modules, assignment shells, and then editing those shells you will become a master Canvas user in no time!