
Screencastify, an extension for Chrome

Screencastify is an incredibly useful tool for creating screencasts, videos of a computer desktop and windows, quickly and efficiently. It has a free version, which allows for unlimited videos, so long as they each remain under 5 minutes and a premium version which provides for much longer videos (30 minutes) at a higher resolution with the ability to more closely edit them.

Teachers and students can use Screencastify to communicate, share ideas, and present lessons with shared screen recordings.

There is currently a coupon available for educators during the COVID-19 outbreak that will allow for free use of the premium version until April 30th. Ask an administrator for more information.


An Overview of Screencastify

Use this slides presentation to learn at your own pace, you can take your time without having to worry about pausing or restarting from the beginning as you go.

Installing and setting up Screencastify

This video tutorial will go back and forth between the information in the slides presentation as well as showing you step by step how to install and setup the extension from If you are interested in adding the Screencastify extension while viewing the video, open another web tab with the slides presentation so you are able to follow along.
