
What is Clever?

Clever is a learning resource management platform. It's primary focus is on collecting and collating resources for your classes. These resources take the form of various popular apps that teachers use in their classrooms. The power of Clever comes from it's Single Sign-On capabilities and the ability to push apps to students who are logged in (force open) and pull students out of an app no longer needed (force close).

It is the best way to get students logged into MackinVIA, our district's e-book application for checking out e-books from your school's library. It also has many useful apps for college and career planning. But there are dozens of useful applications that can be implemented into your own customized pages like - Newsela, Quizziz, Edulastic, Canva, Powtoons, and more!

How to Log into Clever

The first thing you'll need is the district's link to Clever: everything else is a breeze as Clever is a part of our district SSO.

Steps to Log into Clever

  1. Go to

  2. Select "Log in with Active Directory" (this is the district's SSO)

    • If you are not currently logged into the district SSO, you will need to enter your login credentials for the district to sign in.

  3. Done!

What can I do with Clever?

Most uses for Clever revolve around easy access to dozens of different apps. Some of the apps have been curated by the District as commonly used applications or important applications for student use.

The apps appear on your Clever Portal or "Homeroom" page. You can also create additional pages for your own purposes. These pages can be private or public and you can invite specific students to access them.

Clever pulls student information from Synergy. This means that all students have their own accounts and can access Clever using the same steps as above. It also means you can access rosters of your students and invite them to your specific Classroom pages from within Clever itself. You can also utilize Clever Messages to send messages to your students within Clever.

One of the coolest features of Clever is that you have the capability to push a selected app to all of your students, opening the application for them (and signing them in) all at once.

Other Resources

Clever Academy - perhaps the best way to learn how to use Clever to it's fullest potential is to take the digital courses available to you in Clever's own tutorials. These are very well made and designed to answer all of the questions you might have about how to use Clever.