Analytics, Progress, and Parents


Canvas Provides Powerful Analytics Tools
The Course Analytics tools provide detailed information about many aspects of interactions with Canvas. They keep track of student progress, participation vs. simply viewing, interactions with you, grade percentiles and medians, and more.

Find the tool in the right hand contextual navigation menu while looking at a course's homepage.

This video by Canvas covers all the features of the Course Analytics tools.

Parent Observers

Parents can get on Canvas too!

Parents can access Canvas by making their own Parent Observer account. This account will require a Student Pairing Code. Student can generate these themselves and potentially your school site may distribute codes to parents. However, they expire within 7 days. If a parent needs a Student Pairing Code, you can provide one to them, if you want.

There is a little bit of a process to this but it is not too tricky. Here are the steps:

STEP 1: Navigate to your course and select "People" from the navigation links bar
STEP 2: Select the "three dots" settings button on the desired student's row and open "User Details"
STEP 3: Select "Pair with Observer"
STEP 4: Copy/Paste the Student Pairing Code (which is Case Sensitive)

You can also export an entire class' worth of Pairing Codes by selecting the "three dots" settings button on the upper right side of your student roster and select Export Pairing Codes.

This downloads a .csv Spreadsheet file viewable in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, the codes still have an expiration date of seven days.

Parents have a link on our Digital Resources site for how to use Canvas, you may also direct them to
Canvas' Guides for more information. They see what their student sees, but with limited interaction. Parents can communicate with instructors and vice versa!