
Privacy on the Internet

Now that we're having to get the hang of a wide array of internet-based apps, it might be useful to take a look at some of the privacy issues that may arise when they come up!

Most Google and Microsoft applications require Google or Microsoft accounts to log into and typically it is easy to control who gets into what - for instance, in Google Hangouts Meet it is possible for anyone to click the join link and attempt to enter the meeting. However, the meeting leader can prevent any non-Kern High School Accounts from gaining access by denying the access request when it pops up. Similar functions are available on other apps.

We should be aware of how to keep students and staff safe from unwanted guests.

Parents, please read these Common Sense Education links below

Please see privacy settings below for help with specific apps

Flipgrid Privacy Settings

Flipgrid is private, only invited users can join. However, everyone in a class can see each other unless you adjust the privacy settings. This might be helpful to prevent inappropriate video sharing. Here's how to do that.

Remind Privacy Settings

Remind is NOT private by default. Anyone with the class code can join unless settings are adjusted. Here are the recommended settings for a secure class.

  • Unchecking Class Visibility is probably the most important setting.

  • Checking Require approval to join prevents unwanted guests from joining your classes.

  • Setting Participant Messaging to off prevents students from messaging each other using the app. This can protect students from unwanted interactions with classmates.

The following apps are private by default, only invited users can join in the sessions

G Suite Apps

All G Suite Apps - Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive, Forms, Hangouts Meet, etc. default to private unless invited. Unauthorized access attempts are blocked and a request to join is sent to the owner of the file or meeting. The best practice here is to not allow any accounts access.

Microsoft Teams Privacy Settings

Microsoft Support - Make a public team private in Teams

These should be private by default, but double-check that only invited users can join and view. is an invite AND account holder only app. Only your students will be able to access this app, and they will only be able to interact with each other with specific permissions in place.