Search and Filter Options for Synergy Assessment

Whoa! There are a lot of options in these full searches! Here's a breakdown of what each option means. Each one is situationally available, so options found on the "Full Test Search" will be different from the "Full Question Search." You can use ctrl+F to look for the specific option if you want. They're also listed alphabetically!

Search Options - the ones with bars you type in

Bank ID - the ID number of a bank, automatically assigned when created.

Bank Name - the name of a bank, manually created by the bank creator.

Passage ID - the ID number of a passage, automatically assigned when created.

Passage Text - part of a passage that you want to search for.

Passage Title - the name of a passage, manually created by the passage creator.

Question ID - the ID number of  a question, automatically assigned when created.

Question Text - part of a question that you want to search for.

Schedule ID - the ID number of a scheduled instance of a test, automatically assigned when created.

Schedule Name - the name of the scheduled instance of a test, manually created by the schedule creator.

Scheduled By - the name of the staff member who created a scheduled instance of a test.

Standard Code - the standard code linked to a question.

Test Creator - the name of the staff member who created the test.

Test ID - the ID number of a test, automatically assigned when created.

Test Name - the name of a test, manually created by the test creator.

Title - this is functionally the same as "Passage Title" above, and only appears on the Passage full search.

Filter Options - the ones with boxes you check

Access - Allows you to filter Private, Public, or Shared banks.

Alternates - Allows you to filter based on whether questions have alternates or no alternates - it is unclear why there are four options, but they appear to be redundant - Alternates and "Questions with Alternates" appear to be the same.

Audio/Video - Allows you to filter questions based on if they have audio, video, audio and video, or none. Upload audio/video via the rich text editor found in prompts for questions.

Availability - Allows you to filter tests by available or expired.

Bank - Allows you to filter which Bank questions or passages are in.

Course - Allows you to filter tests, questions, or passages based on Course IDs (English9, ELD4, etc.)

Depth of Knowledge - Allows you to filter questions based on the four levels of depth of knowledge or none. These are based on Webb's Depth of Knowledge framework.

Flesch-Kincaid - Allows you to filter passages based on the Flesch-Kincaid reading level listed on the passage.

Language - Allows you to filter passages based on what language is used in that passage.

Lexile Range - Allows you to filter passages based on the Lexile Range listed on the passage.

Equation Tool - Allows you to filter questions based on the type of Equation Tool that has been enabled for students on those questions. If you create your own, these will show up here as well.

Grade - Allows you to filter tests, questions, or passages based on student grade level (Grade 09, Grade 10, etc.)

Has Passage - Allows you to filter questions based on whether or not they have an attached passage.

Imported - Allows you to filter tests based on whether or not the tests are imported.

Paper/Web - Allows you to filter questions based on whether or not they are on paper only or web only tests.

Quick Questions - Allows you to filter questions based on whether or not they are quick or normal questions. Quick questions are the fast multiple choice or multi-select questions made in Full and Quick tests.

Standard Tree - It is uncertain what this filter choice means at this time. It could potentially fill out with options when/if we have our system linked to standards.

Test Format - Allows you to filter Full, Overlay, and/or Quick tests.

Tests with Sections - Allows you to filter tests with or without sections.

Question Type - Allows you to filter questions by the 16 different types of questions as well as "none" or "not supported" which will likely turn up no results.

Reserves Items - Allows you to filter tests based on whether or not it reserves items. Reserved items are items that will not be shared with other staff members, even if the test itself is shared.

Reserves Questions - Allows you to filter passages based on whether or not it uses reserved questions.  Reserved questions are questions that will not be shared with other staff members, even if the test is shared.

SBAC Targets - Allows you to filter questions based on SBAC targets found on the SBAC test. These are essentially folder trees that lead to the actual options.

Scheduled to Students - Allows you to filter tests or questions based on whether or not they are currently used in a scheduled test instance.

School Year - Allows you to filter scheduled instances by the school year they were scheduled for.

Shared - Allows you to filter tests based on whether or not the tests are shared with you. *might also list tests that you have shared with others.

Status - Allows you to filter questions based on if they are archived, draft, or live.

Subject - Allows you to filter tests based on class/test subject - (Language Arts, Math, etc.)

Used on Tests - Allows you to filter questions or passages based on whether or not they are currently on a test.