
"Great evening last night, everyone loved the music!"

Jane Solomon, Mi Refugio Milonga / Tangolicious

"Warren Edwardes will be known as a popular character to many on the London tango scene as well as through his contributions to international tango groups.

His breadth of tango music starts with the Golden Age reaching through to the beginning of the modern era with his selections carefully presented in tandas with cortinas. Though extensive, Warren's choices are honed by his personality and eclectic preferences to evoke a warm familiarity yet delivering a few delicious and unusual surprises along the way.

A menu to satisfy the less adventurous as much as the brave and bold in a programme that will be a refreshing spring clean to the tango music library of 'same old'.

Early cabeceos and late cabs recommended."

Paul Bottomer, Today's Tango is ...

"Warren is known as a musicality driven dancer with a deep knowledge and lasting appreciation for Argentine tango music and culture.

Yesterday we attended a milonga he DJ'd and the music was superb. He played a great selection of danceable music throughout the evening"

David James Bailey, Learning Tango Festival

"Sometimes, there is magic in the world.

Thank you, Warren Edwardes, for making possible the Sunset Milonga at the Bandstand in Hyde Park - and a great choice of music."

Ray Batchelor

"I really like that you publish your playlists ... that's refreshing"

Iris Peters, Tanguera

Hey Warren, just wanted to send you a word of appreciation!

With your contributions on the Tango DJ forum, you opened the world of 1950s and 1960s tangos to me, and I am now indulging late Troilo and others.

Before, I thought that tango basically died after 1950 and was only resurrected after 2000.

Thanks a lot, mate! : )

Tomáš Kohl Tango DJ