Warren Edwardes' Tango Bio

Summary Bio

Warren Edwardes is a London based Tango DJ. His sets are a smooth tsunami blending rhythmic and lyrical tangos covering the Golden Age and Silk Age from the 1930s to the 1960s.


Warren Edwardes is a London based Tango DJ but he will soon be moving to Alicante to live. His sets are a smooth tsunami blending rhythmic and lyrical tangos covering the Golden Age and Silk Age from the 1930s to the 1960s.

As a Tango DJ, Organiser and Host. Warren organises and DJs at Hyde Park Milonga, Mayfair Milonga and informal open air Tango Inside Out and Tango Furtivo in Central London and is regularly invited to DJ at other Milongas in London and elsewhere including Spain, Italy and in Germany.

During Covid he set up and DJd at Radio Hyde Park Milonga, an internet radio station to keep tango alive for tangueros around the world who could no longer dance in close embrace.

Every December Mayfair Milonga becomes Tango Shelter to raise funds for the homeless who sleep and are fed in the hall used for the Milonga. It is also timed to coincide with Tango dancing Argentine Pope Francis' Birthday. Pope Francis' favourite tangos are played at this event.

Warren has done a number of translations of Tango songs but has now moved on to create Tango Tweets – bite sized extracts of Tango songs in English.

Warren is also a winemaker and innovation management consultant and has lectured and presented on wine and finance globally including as a business school finance professor.

Website: http://tango.edwardes.org

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/WarrenEdwardes/videos

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warren.edwardes

Warren has also created a special range of wines - La Cumparsita de Plata and La Cumparsita de Plata. He is now working on matching wines (and food) with tandas of tangos.


Contact Warren Edwardes

Facebook Group created by Warren Edwardes
London Tango Partner Search

Facebook Group created by Warren Edwardes
Tango Cortinas

Facebook Group created by Warren Edwardes
Bandstand Tango for Open Air Tango