Role of the Exchange as a Self-Regulatory Organization
Indispensable in the Asian Regional Bond Market Development


Organized and Prepared by ADB secretariats

17 October 2019


At the 32nd ABMF Meeting

Role of the Exchange as a Self-Regulatory Organization
Indispensable in the Asian Regional Bond Market Development
17 October 2019

Table of Contents:

1. “Trading Place” - Function and Role of the Exchange
トレーディング・プレイス - 証券取引所の機能と役割 

Many of you may think that the functions and roles of the exchanges will be: first of all, providing the trading place function of the securities. It is called the exchange market.

By consolidating supply and demand by concentrating the trading orders for listed securities such as stocks and bonds in the exchange market, then to increase liquidity and at the same time to create fair prices. This is an important function as a trading place.

In order to be eligible for trading on an exchange, the securities must be listed on that exchange. It is called listing for trading.

皆さんの考えられる証券取引所の機能・役割の第一は、文字通り、取引の場所の機能の提供でしょう株式や債券等の上場証券の売買注文を取引所市場に集中させ、需給を統合することで、証券市場における証券の流動性を高めるとともに、同時に公正な価格形成を図ります これが「トレーディン・グプレイス」としての重要な機能です

そして、取引所において売買(トレード)を可能とするための適格性を得るには、その証券がその取引所にリスティングされていることが必要となります これはトレーディングのためのリスティングです

2. “Exchange Market” and “OTC Market” : Segmentation of the Market


In case using exchange for trading, that segment is called exchange market. However, especially in the case of bonds, many of the securities transactions are not always take place on the exchange. In case not using exchange for trading, that segment is called OTC (over-the-counter) market.

In this case, with using telephone and/or certain trading system, on a primary (issuing) market, securities companies and banks act as underwriters for issuers to conduct transactions for issuance of bonds to investors, and on secondary market, securities companies and banks also act as dealers and brokers.

証券取引が取引所内で行われる場合、その取引セグメントは取引所市場と呼ばれます しかし、特に債券の場合には、証券取引の多くが、取引所内で行われるとは限りません トレーディングの場所として取引所を使用しない場合には、そのセグメントはOTC市場と呼ばれます


3. “Listing” as One Way to Meet the Requirements being an “Organized Market”


Any of the exchange market or OTC market may be called an “Organized Market,” if it meets certain market requirements and standards. An “Organized Market” is a place or system in which buyers and sellers trade according to agreed rules and procedures, using common conventions and communication protocols. In this market, the definition and eligibility requirements for traded securities, available investors and other market participants must be clearly determined.

In other words, it can be considered that the market is an “organized market,” if the relevant laws, regulations, SRO rules, and market practices are working effectively with the necessary system infrastructure and certain operational mechanisms. Therefore, in order to be an organized market, the authority that regulates and supervises the market must be clearly defined. Otherwise, Unregulated Market and Transactions will appear and may cause various problems.

In order to meet specific requirements or standard for being an “organized market,” methods such as “exchange listing” or “registration with authority” are used.

取引所市場であれOTC市場であれ、特定の市場の要件または基準を満たす場合、それらは「組織化された市場」と呼ぶことができます 「組織化された市場」とは、買い手と売り手が、合意された規則と手順に従って共通の規則やルールとコミュニケーション・プロトコルを使用して取引する場所またはシステムを指します そしてその市場では、取引対象証券と参加可能な投資家とその他の市場参加者の定義と資格要件が明確になっている必要があります

つまり、必要なシステムインフラと一定の運用メカニズムとを伴って、関連の法規制、SROルールおよび市場慣行が有効に機能している場合には、その市場を「組織化された市場」と見なすことができるのです したがって、組織化された市場であるためには、その市場を規制監督する主体もまた明確になっていなければなりません そうでないと、規制されていない市場と取引が出現・横行してしまい、様々な問題を引き起こすことになりかねません


4. Objective of the Bond Listing: To “Ensure Investor Protection” and to “Ensure Investors’ Visibility”


In a number of markets in ASEAN+3, whether it is an exchange market or an off-exchange OTC market, bonds issued via a public offering and the bonds traded in the professional investor market may be required to be listed on the exchange or to be registered to the authority. This follows the express intention of the securities market regulator—as part of its primary mandate to ensure investor protectionto achieve visibility, price finding or valuation, and the continuous availability of information disclosure on bonds and the issuer during the lifetime of the bonds.

Where a listing of bonds is optional, issuers may list their bonds to ensure Investors’ visibility for achieving the widest possible distribution of the bonds and/or to ensure the visibility of their issuances across many or directed investor universes.

In case of listing of bonds by issuers who are already listed companies, since these issuers already must be complying with the listing and disclosure rules of the exchange, the listing of their bonds requires only limited extra efforts and costs.

ASEAN+3の多くの市場では、取引所市場であれ、取引所外のOTC市場であれ、公募により発行された債券およびプロ投資家向け市場で取引される債券は、取引所にリスティングされるか、当局に登録(Registration)される必要があります これは、投資家の保護を確保するという主要な任務の一環として、証券市場規制当局の明確な意図に従い、債券および発行体に関する可視性(透明性)、価格の発見または評価、および債券の発行期間を通しての継続的な情報開示を達成するために行われるものです



5. Two Listings as Functions of the Exchange – “Listing for Trading” and “Profile Listing”


And whether it is an exchange market or an off-exchange OTC market, “listing” is the important functions to be an “organized market.” For instance, bonds are listed on an exchange pursuant to the related law and/or regulations and exchange’s SRO rules, for fulfilling the specific objectives for the issuer and investors.

It‘s important to understand “two different listings” here.

(1) In exchange market, listing is a necessary condition for trading bonds on the exchange. On the other hand, (2) in OTC market, for non-publicly offered bonds to professional investors, several exchanges have established the professional bond market systems for listing. (LSE: PSM, TSE: TPBM, etc.) This can be said as a form of profile listing. In there, the listing eligibility requirements are clearly indicated, and the information disclosure procedures are streamlined compared to the case of public offering, making the procedures more efficient and enabling flexible bond issuance. In the exchange market, it is also possible to open a bond market for professional investors, but in those cases, it is not necessarily called a profile listing.


ここでは二つの異なるリスティングについての理解が重要となります。(1) 取引所市場においては、リスティングは取引所で債券をトレードするための必要条件となります。これに対して、(2) OTC市場でプロ投資家向けに非公募の形態で発行される債券については、いくつかの取引所が、リスティングの対象としてのプロ投資家向けの債券発行市場を開設しています(LSE: PSM, TSE: TPBM, etc.)  これがプロファイル・リスティングの例です そしてそのリスティング適格の要件を、可視性をもって明示し、公募の場合と比較して必要な開示書類を簡素化するなど手続きを効率化して、機動的なプロ向け債券の発行が可能です なお、取引所市場においても、プロ投資家向けの債券市場の開設は可能ですが、そのような場合には、必ずしもプロファイル・リスティングと言うわけではありません

6. Notes to Bond Market related Regulators/Policy Makers in the Region


When an exchange is the main subject of a listing, it basically needs to be an SRO.

In the case of public offerings of bonds for general investors including individuals, countries in the region often incorporate “registrations to the authority” or “exchange listings” into the regulatory mechanism on the premise of full disclosure of information.

Within the region, regarding the new bond market (segment) for professional investors (including AMBIF bonds), it will be common to be clearly separated/distinguished from the existing traditional private placement framework (to small numbers of investors such as close relatives or acquaintances). Also, it is getting common to install bond market regulation/measures for this professional investors market (segment), and at the same time to create related SRO rules by exchanges to regulate this new market segment with listing or profile listing.

In developing bond market regulations and SRO rules for professional investors in the region, consideration must be given to the introduction of bond sales restrictions and bond transfer restrictions to protect non-professional investors. In addition, in the case of AMBIF bonds, in the future, consideration will be necessary to enable participation in the transactions among regional professional investors and regional dealers/brokers in an intra-regional professional investors market (AMBIF Market).


個人を含む一般の投資家に対する債券公募の場合、域内各国では、full disclosure of  informationを前提に、当局へのregistrationないし取引所リスティングを当該規制メカニズムに組み入れることが多いのです

地域内では、プロの投資家(AMBIF社債を含む)の新しい債券市場(セグメント)に関しては、既存の従来の私募のフレームワーク(親族や知人などの少数数私募投資家向け)から明確に分離/区別されるのが一般的です。 また、この専門市場セグメントに債券市場規制/措置を導入すると同時に、取引所による関連SROルールを策定して、この新しい市場セグメントをリスティングもしくはプロファイル・リスティングルールの対象とすることが一般的になってきています

域内のプロ投資家向けの債券市場規制とSROルールの策定にあたっては、ノンプロの投資家を保護するために、債券の販売制限及び転売規制限についての導入について配慮が必要となります また、将来的には、地域内のプロ投資家市場(AMBIFマーケット)における地域のプロ投資家と地域のディーラー/ブローカーの間の取引への参加を可能にするための検討が必要になります

Appendix 1. SROs General Structure


Self-regulatory organizations (SROs) are non-governmental organizations that have the power to create and enforce certain rules (SRO rules), standards, and guidelines for participating members.

All SROs are subject to government regulatory oversight and gain their status from national regulators. Government oversight, with no exceptions, is an essential element in the self-regulatory structure.

Depending on the statutory delegation, authorization, and recognition by the regulators, the roles and responsibilities of SROs in ASEAN+3 differ from economy to economy.

Even among bond market or securities dealer associations, delegated powers and functions can differ.

自主規制組織(SRO)は、参加するメンバーのために特定のルール (SRO rules)、標準、およびガイドラインを作成および実施する権限を持つ非政府組織です

すべてのSROは政府の規制監督の対象となり、国の規制当局からステータスを取得します。 例外なく、政府の監督は、自主規制構造の重要な要素です

法規制の委任、認可、および規制当局による承認に応じて、ASEAN + 3におけるSROの役割と責任は経済ごとに異なります。


Appendix 2. Securities Market SRO 

Securities Market SROs can:

i. establish eligible self-regulatory rules (SRO rules) that must be satisfied by participating members in any significant securities market activity;

ii. establish and enforce binding rules of trading, business conduct, and qualification for institutions engaging in certain securities activities; and

iii. establish disciplinary rules and/or conduct disciplinary proceedings, which would enable the SRO to impose appropriate sanctions for noncompliance with its rules.

iv. In addition, SROs can and are expected to facilitate communication between their members, nonmember market participants, and regulators to develop and improve the market.


i. 重要な証券市場の活動に参加するメンバーが満たす必要のある適格な自主規制規則 (SROルール)を確立する

ii. 特定の証券活動に従事する機関の取引、業務行為、および資格に関する拘束力のある規則を確立し、実施する  そして

iii. SROが規則の違反に対して適切な制裁を課すことを可能にする、懲戒規則の確立および/または懲戒手続の実施

iv. さらに、SROは、メンバー、非メンバーの市場参加者、および規制当局間のコミュニケーションを促進して、市場を開発および改善することができます

Appendix 3. SRO rules


SRO rules can encompass the authority to create, amend, implement, and enforce rules of listing, trading, and business conduct and/or qualification regimes with respect to the persons (i.e., legal and natural persons) subject to the SRO’s jurisdiction.

Some SROs resolve disputes through mediation, arbitration, or other appropriate dispute resolution mechanisms.

This authority may be derived from a statutory delegation of power to an SRO or through a contract between an SRO and its members as authorized or recognized by the regulator.




Appendix 4. Exchange as an SRO for Bond Markets 

Since bonds can be listed on exchanges, many of the exchanges in ASEAN+3 have the status of an SRO for bond markets as well.

An exchange’s role as the listing authority is important for bond and other securities markets because its function is essential for maintaining market confidence in the listed securities and the quality of available disclosure information.

A necessary regulation and SRO rules may require a listing on the exchange to offer bonds to the public (public offering) and offer bonds to the professional investors (including AMBIF bonds).

Also, some CSDs play the role of an SRO (or quasi-SRO) to administer or govern participation and activities in depository and settlement infrastructure.





Appendix 5. Examples of Bond Markets SROs in the Region


For instance;

•The National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII) in the PRC acts as an SRO in regulating the China Inter-Bank Bond Market (CIBM) including registration, issuances and trading of bonds and debt financing instruments .

•Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) set and implement standards and conventions for bond listing, bond issuances and bond trading on the SSE and SZSE by their SRO rules and Guidelines.

•The Korea Financial Investment Association (KOFIA) manages and administers the OTC bond market in the Republic of Korea.

•The Thai Bond Market Association (ThaiBMA) set and implement standards and conventions for bond registration, bond issuances and trading in Thailand.

•The Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) set and implement standards and conventions for bond listing and bond issuances on/in the TOKYO PRO-Bond Market (TPBM).

•The Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA) set and implement standards and conventions for bond secondary market trading in Japan.

•The Financial Market Association of Malaysia is not recognized as an SRO, but it has developed and maintains a code of conduct and defines trading conventions for the industry, which are also recognized by the Securities Commission Malaysia.