
Movements of the Japanese Prime Minister's Office and related government agencies in response to the above recommendations

2008-09年:我国におけるプロ向け債券市場創出の前提条件の整備 完了


2008-09: Development of prerequisites for creating a professional bond market in Japan completed.

The above two policy decisions by the government served as a trigger to bridge the "market discontinuity" that separated the inside and outside of Japan's financial and capital markets and laid the groundwork for creating a professional bond market in Japan.





New Growth Strategy Announced by Prime Minister's Office in June 2010

1) Development of a corporate bond market for professionals,

2) Utilize the abundant savings in Asia for investment for growth in Asia;

3) Promote the development of markets and exchanges, reform of financial legislation, etc., so that finance can develop as a growth industry. Build a reliable and convenient financial industry for users. Through these efforts, we will enhance the international competitiveness of financial markets and the financial industry.

These were set out as a national strategy.

(2010年6月の官邸発表の新成長戦略 工程表の金融部分) 

2010年度実施事項:「プロ向け社債市場の整備 」 → 2011年 TOKYO PRO-BOND Market  設立

2010年中実施事項:「ASEAN+3債券市場フォーラム の設立」 → 2010年9月 第一回会議を東京で開催


(Financial part of the new growth strategy roadmap announced by the Prime Minister's Office in June 2010)

Fiscal 2010 Action Item: "Development of a corporate bond market for professionals" → Establishment of TOKYO PRO-BOND Market in 2011

To be implemented in 2010: "Establishment of ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum" → September 2010 1st meeting held in Tokyo

Matters to be implemented by 2020: Developing the Asian bond market and facilitating fund procurement in local currencies by Japanese companies, etc.

2010年9月 ADBを事務局としてASEAN+3債券市場フォーラム(ABMF:ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum)設立


September 2010 Established ASEAN+3 Bond Market Forum (ABMF) with ADB as secretariat

 The first ABMF conference was held in Tokyo







(3-2) 同時にアジア地域におけるクロスボーダーでの資金証券の取引市場や決済システムを確立する

2013 Japanese Government Recommendations

    With a goal of 2020,

(1) Make the Tokyo market, including the general exchanges, that is, Japan's financial and capital markets, "Asia's No. 1 market (international financial center)" that can grow together with Asia.

(2) Promote the development of a market for the issuance and facilitation of cross-border bond transactions (e.g., standardization of bond issuance procedures with ASEAN countries);


(3-1) Realization of smooth local currency-denominated financing and lending by Japanese companies in Asian countries,

(3-2) At the same time, establish a cross-border financial securities trading market and settlement system in the Asian region.