March 24, 2021

Focus on ELL Strategies

Reaching all students is important, but understanding how to reach our ELL population is unlike any other subgroup. Perhaps this is because ELL students do not learn differently than native speaking English learners; however, they do have particular needs.  10% of students (4.8 million) in the United States are ELL students (Kaplan, 2019). So, how do we keep up with the best strategies to reach this important group of learners? 

First and foremost, forming meaningful relationships are key. Understanding the culture of the learners in your classroom creates an environment that is supportive. Once relationships are established and learners feel safe and comfortable in the classroom, begin to incorporate strategies involving writing, speaking, and listening. 

Inside - Outside Circle  

To get started with the Inside-Outside Circle you will need to prepare the classroom ahead of time. Split your students into two groups.  One group sits in a circle facing outwards with a second circle group facing the first.  Questions are posed and the inner group answers to the outer group. This strategy works well for peer editing, writing assignments, or defending a math problem.


The QSSSA strategy is designed to structure conversation in the classroom. This strategy is perfect at any grade level and content area as it encourages academic talk (Gonzalez, 2017). 

Question - pose an open ended and thought provoking question. Post the question so students can refer back to it as needed.

Signal - when students are ready to complete the sentence they give a thumbs up

Stem - provide students a sentence stem to answer the question and practice saying the stem with them. Practicing together provides students repetition to practice speaking any words they may not know before doing it individually and sets them up for success.

Share - partner students to share answers. Share time gives teachers the opportunity to listen in on conversations. Give feedback as you listen. Feedback should encourage more speaking. Feedback such as 'You are on the right track, can you tell more?' is helpful.

Assess - randomly call on a few students to share their answers to the whole group

For more instructional strategies, check out the Instructional Strategies and Innovative Strategies pages in Jacket YOUniversity. Did you implement a strategy? 

Earn points by submitting artifacts in Jacket YOU!

Gonzalez, V. (2017, February 4). Q Triple S A - An Amazing Structured Conversation Technique. English Learners. 

Kaplan, E. (2019). 6 Essential Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners. Edutopia. 

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