April 17, 2019

Hang In There!

Something wonderful happens every school year. In August,  you have the excitement of getting to know new students and families. You are eager to get into the curriculum and impart wisdom on the young minds you will spend the next 180 days getting to know. It's an adrenaline rush only educators know. The feelings taper off somewhat over the next few months as you all settle into routines, and by Christmas you know the students well. Your classroom is running like a well-oiled machine and all is well. But now? Now the students act as if we haven't been doing this very same 'school' thing for the last 140 days, no one seems to come to class prepared, and there are ZERO pencils left in your classroom. 

April is the point of the school year where I always felt it. You know what I mean? The feeling that this crop of students are incapable of learning anymore from me. I am tired. They are tired. The 'TEST' is at the forefront of everyones mind...even though we all know our students are SO MUCH MORE than any test can measure. We all still think about the test though. Don't we? We wonder if they are ready. Have we done enough to help them learn this year? Are they ready for the test? Are our Seniors ready for real life? I've been there. We all have. 

Yes, you are tired. Yes, students may test your patience. The warm weather is making everyone want to head outside to do anything other than academics. But remember the students still NEED YOU! They need you to show up everyday...not just physically (although that is important!), but emotionally be there. Shake their hands and greet them at the door. Keep up the 'Tell Me Something Good' part of your day. Keep doing your launch at the end of class to send them off with a positive feeling. They still need you. 

You are a wonderful teacher. You are a wonderful mentor. You are a wonderful colleague. 

Don't stop. 

You got this. 

Two Activities to Try

Idle hands are the devil's workshop. 

I reminded myself of this saying each year during testing season. If students aren't kept busy when testing days roll around, then behavior issues arise. Managing classroom behaviors while finding engaging activities for students can be a challenge. 

Here are two activities that will sharpen your students skills in Slides and Sheets, and provide some fun at the same time. Click the link below and then select 'Use Template' to make a copy directly into your Google Drive. 

These resources were found from the blog Tech You Can Do by Sarah Kiefer.

Tinkle Times Anytime

Did you miss an issue of  Tinkle Times from your nearest restroom this year? 

Now you can find previous Tinkle Times newsletters by clicking on Tinkle Times from the top menu of this Google Site or by clicking here.

Jacket YOUniversity Update

Final calculations for Jacket YOUniversity challenges will take place on May 3 for this school year. If you make it to the 90 point level you will be invited to Innovators Day later in May. 

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