2019 Senior STEM Graduates

What is your name and major?

My name is Taylor K. Ellstrom I am a double major in Biochemistry and Honors Humanities.

Three words to describe yourself?

Kind, Caring, and Ready to help!

Plans in the future?

While here at APU, my major of choice has given me a wealth of scientific knowledge to draw on. However, I would now like to explore other talents of mine, such as writing. I am hoping to do this in a graduate level program, either in Literature or Biblical Studies.

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting times that I had at APU were found in conversations with fellow students and professors. I have been able to learn and grow a lot from these experiences.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

APU describes itself as being built on community, but this will only be as true as you make it. Be sure to make good friends, get to know your professors, and take advantage of opportunities to join clubs and other social groups. If you are more on the shy side like me, it will be difficult for you. But going through college alone is rough--so don't!

What is your name and major?

My name is Sarah dePillis-Lindheim, I am a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics.

Three words to describe yourself?

- Hard-working, determined, adventurous.

Plans in the future?

- I will be staring at Raytheon in August as a Systems Engineer.

Most exciting time in APU?

- It was really exciting to be able to go on visits to different sites that I could potentially be working at in the future and being able to meet people who have full time jobs in the field I am studying.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

- I would advise incoming freshman to take advantage of all the opportunities that are presented to them by their departments. If they are presented with field trip opportunities, interviews, recruiter information sessions, or internship/job opportunities they should try to take advantage of every single one.

What is your name and major?

My name is Elijah Cacal and my major is Allied Health B.S. with a Psychology minor.

Three words to describe yourself?

Kind, hard-working, and dedicated

Plans in the future?

I plan on doing some additional schooling and then take a gap year. This coming summer and fall I will be taking my last prerequisites for medical school at the University of Hawaii Hilo. During my gap year I will be working as a medical assistant and possibly travel to the Philippines with my grandma to meet our extended family.

Most exciting time in APU?

There are many that come to mind. Dancing in the Pacific Islander Organization luau every year. Scoring the game winning touchdown in intramural football on a one-handed catch. Beating CBU in Smith versus Smith freshman year. However, my favorite experience was when I went snowboarding at Big Bear with my friends. As someone who grew up in Hawaii, I never had the chance to snowboard or witness snow falling from the sky so it was one of the most memorable college experiences for me.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

1. Find what you're passionate about and pursue it with all your heart.

2. Be involved! Join a club or volunteer to help others in some way.

3. Get to know your professors.

4. Enjoy your time at APU, it goes by fast!

What is your name and major?

My name is Kelly Herbig, I am a Allied Health major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Intelligent, determined, and caring

Plans in the future?

After graduation I will be moving back to Washington and applying to medical school. I am hoping to be accepted and start medical school in Fall of 2020. During my gap year I will be working in some capacity in the medical field, spending time with my family, and hopefully traveling.

Most exciting time in APU?

It is hard to pick one specific exciting moment in my time at APU. I transferred to APU sophomore year and I think that the most exciting time for me at APU was some point in that first year here that I really felt like I had found a home and that I belonged in our department.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice for incoming freshmen would be to not be afraid if you don't know exactly what you want to do in the future or if your plans change. Get involved in a variety of different experiences, keep an open mind to different opportunities, and always be engaged in prayer and I promise God will lead you in the direction you are supposed to go!

What is your name and major?

My name is Marissa Joerke, I am a Allied Health major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Hardworking, trustworthy, determined

Plans in the future?

My plans in the future are to finish up prerequisites for an Entry Level Master's in Nursing program with hopes of becoming an emergency room nurse practitioner.

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting time I had while at APU takes place during the first semester of my senior year; I began training for my final season on the water polo team while working as a scribe in an emergency room. Professors from the Department of Biology and Chemistry had encouraged me to seek employment as a scribe and this was one of the best decisions I have ever made because the job is very rewarding and the emergency room is an exciting place to work.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice for incoming freshmen would be to establish good study habits quickly. I learned very quickly that in order to be successful in a STEM major, not only is understanding of the concepts essential but so is understanding of the details. I would also advise freshmen to become involved in a club or other extracurricular program on campus; freshmen year can be a difficult time with all of the transitions but APU offers plenty of opportunity to form community with other students.

What is your name and major?

My name is Aaron Ramsay, I am a Chemistry major with a minor in Honors Humanities.

Three words to describe yourself?

Empathetic, Motivated, Creative

Plans in the future?

I plan on going to a teacher's credentialing program within the greater LA area in order to teach high school level chemistry.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting time as definitely been as a freshman RA in Smith Hall. While I haven't been sleeping much, the freshman keep me energized!

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Use Google Calendar in order to manage your time well! Also, find professional mentors in your field that can show you the path to take!

What is your name and major?

My name is Amber Batres, I am a Allied Health major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Disciplined, Diligent, and Reliable

Plans in the future?

I recently got accepted to Azusa Pacific University's Entry Level Masters Program to pursue a career as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner.

Most exciting time in APU?

Having the opportunity to work as a student lead for IMT Support Center is one of the most exciting things I have done on campus. I have been able to learn a lot about the technical field and I have been able to make some of the most meaningful relationships during my entire time at APU.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

I would have to say that one important thing to remember is that grades do not define your value as a person, your intelligence, or your capabilities.

What is your name and Major?

My name is Hunter Roberts, and I am a Biology major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Responsible, Active, Dedicated

Plans in the future?

I plan on beginning medical school at Loma Linda University School of Medicine in the fall of 2019. I’m not sure what type of medicine I hope to pursue, but I’m excited to see where God leads me!

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting time in APU was most likely my time as a resident advisor in the all-male freshmen dorms. I grew so much as an individual during this time and made many new relationships with my staff and residents that have impacted me greatly.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice for incoming freshmen is to make sure they find clubs, organizations, intramural teams, mission trips, etc. that they find interesting and get involved with things that they enjoy. Some of my favorite memories from APU all involve activities that were outside of academics, and I believe that it made me grow substantially as an individual during my time at APU.

What is your name and major?

My name is Jacob Hall and I am a Engineering major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Patient Diligent Consistent

Plans for the future?

I would like to pursue a career in engineering with the ultimate purpose of making the world a better place.

Most exciting time at APU?

My most exciting experience at APU was probably being a part of the football team.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Get involved on campus in some way, engineering may seem like a lot of work, but it is worth it to have a social life and contribute to a club or organization on campus

What is your name and major?

My name is Charlie Vetter and I am a Engineering major with a Computer Science minor

Three words to describe yourself?

Son, Husband, Father

Plans in the future?

Do well by doing good.

Most exciting time in APU?

Conducting research with the ECS Department.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

If you don’t understand something, ask.

What is your name and major?

My name is Jordan Ishii and I am a double major in Computer Science and Honor Humanities with a Mathematics minor.

Three words to describe yourself?

Passionate, Patient, Quiet

Plans in the future?

I will be interning at JPL this summer and then attending graduate school somewhere in the Fall.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting experience at APU was going to the APU dances with my friends and then coming back and playing smash bros with them until really early in the morning.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

I would say that you should apply to as many internships as you can find even if you don't think you will get them, like at least 50 a year starting as early as freshman year. A lot of the bigger companies like Google (especially Engineering Practicum for freshman-sophomores) and Twitter have coding challenges and give out interviews to tons of students so that experience is very useful. Plus you never know what you will get - my first internship was at JPL after junior year, and I had already failed eleven interviews and had applied to about 100 other internships before I got that one. Also, there are tons of interesting events for CS majors in Southern California - don't miss them. Go to stuff like tech conventions, hackathons at other universities, and even stuff like TwitchCon. It'll give you a lot better perspective on what you want to do after graduation.

What is your name and major?

My name is Kory Joe, and I am an Computer Science major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Grateful, Happy, Tired

Plans in the future?

Short term, hopefully get a summer job teaching kids computer science. A little less short term, find a job where I can program and gain some experience.

Most exciting time in APU?

I would say going on the Action Team to Namibia. It was the first memorable time I left the country and I was cool to experience what Namibia had to offer.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Don't procrastinate. It hurts you a lot more college. Also, always pray to God. No matter what you're going through, pray to Him.

What is your name and major?

My name is Joshua Martinez and my major is Engineering.

Three words to describe yourself?

Versatile, Curious, Loyal

Plans in the future?

Use my engineering degree to spread the love of God and further advance our Society in a community driven perspective.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting experience at APU was meeting different people who rode motorcycles. Eventually we all got each others number and went on a group ride out to Pasadena. It was a great experience finding people with the same hobby as I do.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Time management is the key. Do not compare yourself to others. These two ideas may be a bit cliche but they are very important concepts in college. Don't forget about them.

What is your name and major?

My name is Kyle Brow, and my major is Computer Science.

Three words to describe yourself?

loyal, assertive, compassionate

Plans for the future?

To help humans get to mars.

Most exciting time in APU?

The Jammin Judies

Advice for incoming freshmen?

1. Pray and read your bible every day

2. find your absolute best friends

3. find work that you absolutely love to do

4. don't ever doubt your abilities

What is your name and major?

My name is Kayla Vander Schuur and I am a Biology major.

Three words to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as curious, passionate, and independent

Plans in the future?

In the near future I'm planning on applying to PhD programs to do ecology research

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting experience at APU has to be spending the summer in Japan doing research with Dr. Chen's team. We were able to try so many new foods, see beautiful cities, and meet incredible people, all while doing work we loved.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice to freshmen would be to get out and get to know the Azusa community! There are so many interesting, loving people for you to meet. Check out the CSA's Local Ministries (especially Our Neighborhood Homework House) for places to get started!

What is your name and major?

My name is Brenna Gittins I am a double major in Molecular Biology and Honors Humanities

Three words to describe yourself?

Driven, empathetic, authentic

Plans in the future?

I am pursuing a PhD in cancer biology to help improve immunotherapies.

Most exciting time in APU?

I think the teams I have been apart of on campus have been so rewarding, challenging, and have helped me grow. I am so grateful for my research team (#TeamProssergoeshard, woo!) and my four years singing with Bel Canto (our women’s choir). Time with peers has helped me laugh and learn even when school and life get stressful.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Advice for incoming freshmen? Don’t be afraid to go to office hours and talk with your professors! Every professor I have had at APU, especiallly in the Biology and Chemistry Department, has been helpful. They actually want to mentor you and help you succeed. They became professors at a primary undergraduate Christian institution because they care about students, so take advantage of your time with them. Even professors I have never had in class have helped me with applications and interviews. Just seek out and enjoy all their wisdom and guidance because once you ask them for help, they will not leave you hanging.

What is your name and major?

My name is Brian Soong I am a Biochemistry major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Determined, adventurous, WEIRD!!!

Plans in the future?

I will be starting the PhD program in Biomedical and Biological Sciences at University of Arizona in the upcoming Fall

Most exciting time in APU?

Having a 5 minutes personal talk with Dr. Berezuk while walking from Rosedale to Segerstrom. I consider that my greatest achievement here at APU.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try things you’ve never done before. We only live once so make the most out of it!

What is your name and major?

My name is Cameron Yu and my major is Allied Health.

Three words to describe yourself?

Hardworking, Friendly, Kindhearted

Plans in the future?

My plans for the future is to go to optometry school to become an optometrist.

Most exciting time in APU?

There have been many exciting times that I have had at APU but the two most memorable would be when I was an Alpha Leader my sophomore year and when I went on Mexico Outreach for Spring Break on Team Luke during my junior year!

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Take advantage of the smaller class sizes and the opportunities to develop relationships with your professors!

What is your name and major?

Aloha! My name is Isaiah Nakamura and I am a double major in Math and Physics.

Three words to describe yourself?

Sincere, Helpful, and Practical.

Plans in the future?

I don't have concrete plans for the future yet, but I am hoping to start working corporately or in education, depending on where God opens the door for me to work.

Most exciting time at APU?

My most exciting time at APU has definitely been the entirety of my junior and senior years. Throughout this period of time, I was able to truly love the jobs and private tutoring that I was doing, which I got to enjoy fully as an extension from my already complex, yet interesting classes. While not necessarily all fun and games (as there have been plenty of silly moments to look back on), I have been blessed with the best classmates, roommates, coworkers, and family throughout my time at APU, making the enjoyment of daily life an amazing experience that I wouldn't have traded for anything else.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

To all incoming freshmen, congratulations! I pray for your happiness and success throughout this college experience you are about to embark on. May you be blessed throughout your struggles and never forget that there is always someone that can help you should you need it. Never forget nor lose yourself; find a reasonable balance between God, school, work, and play. I leave you all with Proverbs 17:17-"A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity." We have left our legacy here throughout the past four years and I look forward to what legacy you all will leave in the future.

What is your name and major?

My name is Rachel Roller and I am a double major in Chemistry and Honors Humanities

Three words to describe yourself?

Thoughtful, nerdy, imaginative

Plans in the future?

Pursue a PhD in Analytical Chemistry

Most exciting time in APU?

Having the opportunity to publish research in both science and the humanities, and getting to study away at Oxford

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Make friends with your professors. They are incredibly caring and intelligent people who love to invest in you. And be intentional about taking a sabbath. It's the only thing that has kept me sane.

What is your name and major?

My name is Cassidy Crandell and I'm a Chemistry major with a Honors Humanities minor.

Three words to describe yourself?

Hard-working, passionate, determined.

Plans in the future?

My most exciting time at APU was last summer when I was able to attend and present a poster at the ASMS conference in San Diego. At this conference I became motivated in going to graduate school because I was so inspired at the current research being done in the field and also felt so excited to be in an academic environment filled with like-minded researchers!

Most exciting time in APU?

Studying with my math friends (its more exciting than it sounds!) and hanging out with my roommates! The friendships I’ve made have been one of the best parts of my APU experience. I can totally be my awkward self and my friends will still love me! I just know the relationships I have established here will last a lifetime.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice to incoming freshmen is to get involved with your department. Join a research team, join a club, and go to your professors office hours. Doing all these things will not only give you good relationships with all your professors, but you will also be seen as a familiar face within the department, which could give you more opportunities in the future to really succeed within your degree!

What is your name and major?

My name is Sydney Burkholder and I am a Chemistry Major with a Mathematics Minor

Three words to describe yourself?

Kind, Nerdy, Determined

Plans in the future?

I plan to accept a position at Eurofins Eaton Analytical, which is an analytical chemistry laboratory that analyzes water samples. I will be working in their extractions department.

Most exciting time in APU?

I enjoyed spending time in God's creation with my friends camping, hiking, and stargazing.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

When studying or doing homework it is best to work in intervals where you work hard for 20 minutes then take a break for 10 minutes. It will help you stay focused and allow your brain to take a break. Also, while studying is important if your friends are going out or there is an event you want to go to, it is okay to say yes and take a break. Those memories are going to be ones you will cherish, and it is okay if you take a night off.

What is your name and major?

My name is Mekenna Brown and I am a double major in Applied Mathematics and Honors Humanities.

Three words to describe yourself?

Strength, Beauty, Perseverance

Plans in the future?

Teach For America as a Secondary mathematics teacher in Los Angeles

Most exciting time in APU?

Studying away at the High Sierra Semester.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Asking for help before you really need it goes along way.

What is your name and major?

My name is Ruthia Soh and I am a Biology Major as well as an Honors Humanities Major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Hard-working, passionate, and determined

Plans in the future?

I am continuing my studies at UC Riverside and am in their Cell, Molecular, and Developmental Biology Ph.D. program which starts this summer.

Most exciting time at APU?

I had the most fun in the summers during the S2S research program. It was so much fun performing research alongside other students and other labs. I feel like the environment that department had in the research labs was always so friendly and welcoming. We knew when to work hard but to also when to have fun. I learned so much during these summers and will miss this very much.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

I think the most important thing while in this major is really just to enjoy the subject. I feel like the reason why I was able to learn and have fun while pushing through all my classes is because I truly loved Biology and all the different subjects in this field. Forcing yourself to study or memorize the material is going to make the 4 years very difficult. I think it's most important to enjoy what you are studying and just to explore any questions you have about the subject. I also think that relying on and reaching out to your classmates is also very helpful. All your classmates are going through the same experience as you so its nice to to have friends who will understand and support you.

What is your name and major?

My name is Brooks Duggan and my major is Applied Mathematics with an Emphasis in Computer Science.

Three words to describe yourself?

Fun-loving, Empathetic, and Intentional

Plans in the future?

Work as a Data Scientist and/or IT Specialist

Most exciting time in APU?

Most exciting time was when I found out I'm going to Ireland on an Action Team this upcoming summer to serve the community of Dublin, as I have never done any type of global missions before.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Proactively seek out every resource that APU has to offer. I have found such joy in learning from my professors, gained inspiration by working at IMT Device Solutions on campus, and grown by doing research with departments to further God's Kingdom.

What is your name and major?

My name is Abigail Abud and I am an Allied Health major

Three words to describe yourself?

Passionate, creative, and determined

Plans in the future?

After graduation, I plan on taking a gap year to gain more clinical experience. Then, I will apply to PA school.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting time at APU was being an RA and going on Walkabout during the fires in Yosemite. Although it was a challenging experience, I loved building relationships with my team and learning about servant leadership.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

There's always something to learn, therefore, take advantage of every opportunity and view it as a way to grow. Every experience is a learning experience.

What is your name and major?

Allie Schmidt, Allied Health

Three words to describe yourself?

Loyal, caring, and brave

Plans in the future?

I plan to attend PA school.

Most exciting time in APU?

I had the opportunity to study abroad in Uganda with an emphasis in global health. I did an internship at a pediatric rehabilitation clinic, working with a physical therapist and orthopedic surgeon.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Get to know your professors! They genuinely care about your success not only at APU but in your future as well.

What is your name and major?

My name is Grant Wilson, I am a Biochemistry Major

Three words to describe yourself?

Christ-follower, Loyal, Diligent

Plans in the future?

In the fall, I will be attending The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine to pursue my M.D.!

Most exciting time in APU?

One of my favorite memories during my time at APU was when I had the opportunity to travel to Israel over Spring Break as part of a study abroad trip. I got to walk where Jesus walked, listen to lectures about the modern geopolitical situation of Israel, and experience a completely different culture. It was an incredibly memorable learning experience and trip!

Advice for incoming freshmen?

I would tell incoming freshmen to not fear failure, but instead to persevere through it and adapt to overcome it. Being a science major at APU is very challenging and there will be times when you do not do as well as you would like or you feel overwhelmed. In those times, I would encourage you to think of the larger picture and realize that your "failure" is really an opportunity for growth because it is not the end of your story. Keep going. Keep working your hardest and doing the best that you can do. Change your study habits or go get help from a professor. None of us are perfect, but what matters is that we keep trying and working to glorify God through our actions.

What is your name and major?

My name is Mellisa Alvarez and I am a Biology major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Passionate, Affectionate and Enthusiastic

Plans in the future?

After I graduate, I will be joining the Teach for America corps. I will be teaching Biology to the low-income students of Los Angeles. I will also be working on my masters of education, and I hope to eventually get my doctorate.

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting time at APU has to be when I confirmed my position with Teach for America. It was a hard decision to make, but so many professors were pivotal to my final decision, and I could not have done it without them!

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Freshmen, seek your professors! I cannot stress how important it is to form those meaningful relationships with your professors. They are the kindest people and they genuinely want what is best for you. I know I probably drove some of mine crazy (thank you Dr. Young & Dr. Aguilar for being so patient with me), but the love they have for their work and their students is evident in their attitude, and their willingness to help is awe-inspiring! Work hard, but also take time for yourself! If I can do it, you can do it!

What is your name and major?

My name is Jessica John and I am a Physics major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Outgoing, Caring, Problem Solver

Plans in the future?

I hope to work for JPL in the near future and to instill in my daughter the same love for math and science that I have.

Most exciting time in APU?

I don't have a specific time but the most exciting thing that happened during my time at APU is that I made amazing, lifelong friends and found the most loving and fulfilling relationship I could ever have.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Utilize study groups, make friends with the people in your major and don't try to do everything by yourself. Ask for help when you're stuck.

What is your name and major?

My name is Nicole Burton and I am a Allied Health major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Crazy Cat Lady

Plans in the future?

Taking a year off then applying to Ph.D programs in genetics

Most exciting time in APU?

Going whale watching

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Make sure to find balance between school, rest, and fun

What is your name and major?

My name is Benjamin Hull and I am a Biology major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Passionate, Devoted, Funny

Plans in the future?

This May I am taking the MCAT and applying to medical school this next application cycle. Also, I’m hoping to start scribing in September. Otherwise, I plan to enjoy my hobbies in cooking and wood burning, along with exploring new ones!

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting time at APU was during my sophomore year when a group of friends and I visited another group of our friends at High Sierra. We drove up in a huge rainstorm, got stuck on the grapevine because of a mudslide, and had a phenomenal weekend with our friends at High Sierra!

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice to incoming freshmen is to make friends both inside and outside of the department! Yes, make non-science major friends. And when you are with your friends who are science majors, make sure to do fun things and to not always talk about class or sciency things! On a more serious note, spend some time to figure out what you need to do for self care and what you need to do to recharge. Whether it is coffee with a friend, a good book, or simply a nap. Oh, and don’t forget your spiritual health is extremely important!

What is your name and major?

My name is Vallorie Rodriguez and my major is Allied Health.

Three words to describe yourself?

Compassionate, Honest, and Considerate.

Plans in the future?

My future plans include pursuing higher education and attaining my Doctorate in Physical Therapy.

Most exciting time in APU?

One of most exciting times at APU will always be the person to person interaction with the faculty and staff at Azusa Pacific both in and out of the classroom. While the classroom brought it’s own knowledge, I learned the most by talking with the many wonderful people that I consider mentors and friends outside of the classroom. The advice I was given was always authentic and all of the wisdom I received fueled my determination and challenged me to continue to persevere through school. I’d like to thank all of my faculty and staff friends in the Biology and Chemistry department as well as the faculty and staff in the University Libraries. It has been a pleasure working with all of you and getting to know you all these past four years. Grace and peace.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice for all incoming freshman: Discouraging experiences and unappealing circumstances will inevitably surround you from time to time, but what matters most are the decisions you make in order to rise up and get closer to attain your goals. In addition, if you notice others that are struggling around you, be there and extend a helping hand, an open heart, and a prayer of encouragement.

Proverbs 24:16-18. May the Lord shower you with blessing during your time at Azusa Pacific University and keep God first.

What is your name and major?

My name is Lauren Bowden and my major is biochemistry.

Three words to describe yourself?

Determined, Encouraging, Loving

Plans in the future?

Take the MCAT and apply to medical school

Most exciting time in APU?

I have experienced a lot of fun times here at APU so I can't pinpoint which was the most fun/exciting but definitely at the top of my list was going to Six Flags with some of my friends and professors who I did research with over the summer.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Study hard but take breaks. Enjoy being in college. These four years go by fast, so take advantage of your time here (i.e talk to your professors, get involved, etc.)

What is your name and major?

My name is Jeanette Byer, and I’m an Organismal Biology major with an Honors Humanities minor.

Three words to describe yourself?

ambitious, adventurous, creative

Plans in the future?

After graduating, I will be working as a medical scribe and applying to medical school.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting times were working on Dr. Cox’s research team, PhiDE’s Anatomy Fashion Shows, and adventuring with friends.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice for incoming freshmen:

1. College goes by way faster than you think, so remember to spend time with friends.

2. Get involved in what you’re interested in and take advantage of what APU has to offer. You’ll make amazing memories and develop great friendships along the way.

3. Believe in yourself! You are capable of what you put your mind to, so don’t hold yourself back

What is your name and major?

Austin Gee, Allied Health B.A.

Three words to describe yourself?

Dependable, Caring, Driven

Plans in the future?

This summer I'll be going to South East Asia for a year to do Missions. I'll be mainly going out into the community to talk with people and share about my faith, in the hopes of making disciples who I'll be able to teach and have make their own disciples who will go and do the same. After that year, I hope to come back and attend graduate school for physical therapy. I'm not entirely sure where I'll end up, but I'm excited for what God has in store!

Most exciting time in APU?

I don't think I've got a singular most exciting time, more like it's been developing over the years I've been here. Just being able to meet and make friends with people who are so diverse and different than myself has been really cool. Building up a community during my time here has been pretty exciting, just seeing how I've developed as well as my friends from when we first met to where we are now. It's just really cool to look at that progress and see how far we've all come.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Something that has really helped me through my time at APU, and my decisions about what I'll be doing after school, is my faith. APU has been a great place to learn new things in chapel and classes, but I would really encourage incoming freshmen to find a church to get plugged in to, and start developing a community of other believers to help you along the way. Things like time management, study skills, and internships are all very important, but I've found that with having my life centered on God makes the rest actually pretty easy. And don't just visit one church and settle, visit a few and really dive in to the one that's right.

What is your name and major?

My name is Molly Gibney

Three words to describe yourself?

empathetic, curious, and loyal.

Plans in the future?

After graduation I will be moving to Sacramento to work as a Lab Tech at an asphalt company, and I want to eventually go back and get my PhD in instrumental or analytical chemistry.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting time at APU has been being able to make some amazing friends and work with some seriously amazing people. Having he opportunity to travel to Washington State university and be able to work in a graduate level lab was also super cool!

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Advice for incoming freshmen would be, don’t get too set on what you expect your life to look like in 4 years. Allow yourself to grow in ways you didn’t expect to and cut yourself some slack.

What is your name and major?

My name is Rachel Jacoby and I am a Computer Science major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Hardworking, determined, motivated

Plans in the future?

I love computer science, and I obviously hope to get a job in my field soon. But ultimately I hope that in the future I am able to use all that I've learned to support and give back to my family everything that they have given me throughout my journey here at APU.

Most exciting time in APU?

I think that my most exciting experience at APU was being a part of the Gospel Choir my freshman year. I was able to meet some amazing people and take my love for music to spread the love of God to others.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice to an incoming freshman would be to take advantage of every opportunity that APU offers. Go on an action team, join a D group, go to events on campus and make the most out of it all. School and grades are important, but do your best to find that balance where you're getting good grades while making memories with friends.

What is your name and major?

My name is Florentino Madrid and I am a Computer Information Systems major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Ambitious, Focused, Resourceful

Plans in the future?


Most exciting time in APU?


Advice for incoming freshmen?

Don't quit.

What is your name and major?

My name is Alex Thiel and I am a major Biology.

Three words to describe yourself?

Driven, gentle, and adventurous

Plans in the future?

My dream is to go to medical school and become a doctor. As of right now, I am going home to take the MCAT and then leaving for Malaysia in January on a Fulbright scholarship to teach English.

Most exciting time in APU?

I was incredibly blessed to have a great group of friends that surrounded me all throughout my junior and senior year. I live in a house with 10 of them now and we have made countless memories together.

I also think APU’s teacher to student ratio is highly underrated. I have amazing relationships with my teachers and have regular conversations about each others lives and dreams.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Stick with it. My freshman and sophomore year I did not have a lot of friends, was miserable emotionally and mentally, and was not preforming well in school. It wasn’t until the last week of sophomore year that I found my group of friends, who I live with now and can say with confidence they are my life long friends.

My last bit of advice would be balance. School is a priority, but so is your social, emotional, and spiritual well being. You have to section out these aspects into each day. However, if you have an incredibly hard week of school, make sure to take the nights off and hang out with friends or take the weekend and go to the beach. If you can’t find time for each of these areas, life can become dogmatic and draining.

What is your name and major?

My name is Caroline Nazir and I am a Computer Information Systems Major with a Psychology minor.

Three words to describe yourself?

Hard worker, Responsible, and Patient.

Plans in the future?

Work for some time and then go to graduate school.

Most exciting time in APU?

Going to NASA JPL and other companies to check them out with APU.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Practice a lot on your free time don't only depend on class assignments. And take the react native class.

What is your name and major?

My name is Adrian Callies and I am a Computer Science Major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Joyful, Optimistic, Poised

Plans in the future?

Software Developer for CalPortland, Pursuing Masters Degree in Vocational Ministry

Most exciting time in APU?

The gift of community and relationships.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Learn as much as you can while you can

What is your name and major?

My name is Zachary Goldstein s and I am a Computer Information Systems major with a Graphic Design minor.

Three words to describe yourself?

ambitious, entrepreneurial, passionate

Plans in the future?

Work in the IT field while continuing to pursue my music tech startup company - dvvy.

Most exciting time in APU?

Being involved with Zuventurez.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Take your first few CS classes very seriously, even if they are easy for you so that you have a great foundation for your future classes

What is your name and major?

My name is Aaron Arkie and I am a Computer Science major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Ambitious, Confident, Conscientious

Plans in the future?


Most exciting time in APU?


Advice for incoming freshmen?

Network and find an internship early in the semester.

What is your name and major?

My name is Jeffery Bryant and I am a Computer Science major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Motivated, passionate, diligent

Plans in the future?

My future plans is to become a data scientist.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting experience was attending the Christmas festivities that APU offers.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice would be to take advantage of any employers that come to campus or job fairs.

What is your name and major?

My name is Gabriel Sanchez and I am a Computer Information Systems .

Three words to describe yourself?

persistent, happy, gamer

Plans in the future?

Play some video games and start a family.

Most exciting time in APU?

The first time we set up the VR and 3D printers.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Code until your fingers fall off and for a little change of pace code some more.