2020 Winter STEM Graduates


Veronica Smith

What is your name and major?

My name is Veronica Smith and my major is B.A. in Mathematics with an emphasis in Secondary Teaching.

Three words to describe yourself?

Compassionate, Hardworking, and Patient.

Plans in the future?

My plans are to have a family of my own, learn to make my mom's tamales, become a teacher, obtain a data analysis job, attend graduate school, and be a boss lady!

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting parts for me were attending APU in person and making new friendships that have been long lasting.

Advice for continuing students?

Keep striving! There is always a light at the end of the tunnel. :)

Colossians 3:23 - "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters"

Theodore Tel

What is your name and major?

My name is Theo Tel and I’m a Physics major.

Three words to describe yourself?

Zealous, Driven, and Passionate.

Plans in the future?

I want to bounce around between industry and education; I would like to be a high school physics teacher and coach basketball.

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting time at APU for me was the Mexico Outreach program during Thanksgiving in 2018. I made a lot of really great friends and we were able to help a family in need.

Advice for continuing students?

My advice to students would be to go to tutoring!! The Math and Physics center is a great resource and there are always excellent tutors for all subjects.

Kyra Hirata

What is your name and major?

My name is Kyra Hirata, and I will be graduating as an Allied Health major and Psychology minor.

Three words to describe yourself?

Adventurous, Future-minded, and Hopeful

Plans in the future?

I just accepted a physical therapy aide position to acquire the hours needed for physician assistant school. I hope to be applying within the next couple of years. I also want to live abroad, either in Japan or London, for a year or so before returning to school.

Most exciting time in APU?

I absolutely loved my time studying abroad. I went to Cape Town, South Africa my sophomore year, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. It was also exciting to be an RA!

Advice for continuing students?

If there is something (activities, positions, clubs, etc.) that interests you, even slightly, get involved. If you don't like it, you don't have to continue doing it. When you find something that you are passionate about, it not only opens the doors to other future opportunities and possibilities but these experiences will grow you as well.

Emily Hauke

What is your name and major?

My name is Emily Hauke and my major is Allied Health (BA).

Three words to describe yourself?

Outgoing, Friendly, Selfless

Plans in the future?

My future plans are to take a well-needed break after undergraduate studies and travel while I apply to graduate school to be a Nurse Practitioner.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting time at APU would be when I had the opportunity to lead an action team to Costa Rica.

Advice for continuing students?

My advice to you is that school is going to be rough, life will be rough. But keep pushing on because you will end up on top. The challenges and trials will bring you exactly where you need to be. Just keep pushing on even if you don't succeed.

Malea Freeman

What is your name and major?

My name is Malea Freeman and I am an Allied Health major (BA) and a Psychology minor!

Three words to describe yourself?

Compassionate, funny, loyal. I try my best to be the friend my friends need, and to reach out to people who are alone.

Plans in the future?

I am from the great state of Idaho, and we have been incredibly hard-hit by COVID. Our hospitals are filling fast and severely short-staffed, with a very real risk of care rationing. I am hoping to get a hospital job in some capacity to be able to serve the city I love and be the hands and feet of Jesus at a time when it is so vital. I also hope that a healthcare job would help me decide if I should go to grad school and what to study (there are so many good options it’s hard to choose!) by getting to see many different careers in action. Other than that, I will continue to enjoy exploring the outdoors with my family when we can, and our family movie nights watching the Mandalorian! :)

Most exciting time in APU?

Christmas Chapel, for sure!! I know it’s the Friday before finals, but it is the de-stressor you never knew you needed! It is such a time of joy and community celebrating the end of the semester and the birth of our Maker. I absolutely loved it every year. I also had a blast in my alpha group freshman year, and getting involved in various clubs and organizations on campus! Other good memories include late-night Target runs, nights in the UV jacuzzi, Good Times, watching Luau, chapel with friends, and more specifically, Kaleo! Seeing and exploring Los Angeles for the first time, tasting In-N-Out for the first time, and being introduced to acai bowls are also things to top the list.

Advice for continuing students?

Academically, make use of both the Tutoring Center and the SI sessions for your classes! I didn’t start going to tutoring till my junior year and I used it for STEM and non-STEM classes - it has been a total blessing. SI was helpful as well, a less-intimidating place to ask questions than say office hours, and you got to really test your knowledge. That being said, make use of office hours as well, even online! Your professors want to help and when you show you are willing to put in the work, they are even more willing to help. Also, find yourself a good study spot on campus (whenever you return)! I found my little places of peace and quiet on campus where I could pound-out homework and study. As a science major, whiteboards are your friend - don’t be afraid to get a random classroom at night and draw out everything you know.

Non-academically, get involved in the larger community! Find some volunteering opportunities that combine your interests with service - we have the opportunity to make a huge impact on the city of Azusa for Jesus! I was involved in many different volunteering opportunities during my time at APU in Azusa and the surrounding cities, and always had a blast. You can make time! Also, make sure to join a D-group or get a mentor; it helps to have people in your life you know care about you and are praying for you, and that you can support, as well. Many of these opportunities are still available in the online setting, and it still does you and the community good. APU’s goal is to graduate us as difference makers, and they give you all the tools along the way to be able to do that if you have the desire to serve the community for Christ!

Estephanie Slaton

What is your name and major?

My name is Estephanie Slaton and my major is Biology.

Three words to describe yourself?

Three words I would use to describe myself are determined, caring, and responsible.

Plans in the future?

I plan on attending medical school after I graduate from APU to become a doctor.

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting times I've had at APU were times I would eat delicious food from various places around Azusa. I come from a small community that does not have access to a wide variety of foods so I value the access I had while staying at APU.

Advice for continuing students?

The advice I give to continuing students at APU is don't forget to reward yourself for your hard work! Self-care is integral to sustainability and endurance throughout your academic career. This is especially true now that we all have to adjust to remote learning. Good luck!

Jacob Norman

What is your name and major?

My name is Jacob Norman and I am a Biology Major with the Molecular emphasis.

Three words to describe yourself?

Hardworking, Enduring, Stubborn

Plans in the future?

Beginning to obtain clinical and research experience before medical school.

Most exciting time in APU?

The sophomore year experience of living in the Shire Mods with my roommates Luke and Nathan.

Advice for continuing students?

Take up a hobby that will help with managing stress. I spent most of my free time in the APU weight room, which always helped relieve the stress of STEM courses.

Kat Harler

What is your name and major?

My name is Kat Harler and my majors are Biology and Honors Humanities

Three words to describe yourself?

Oh gosh, I think three words would be: determined, sarcastic, and helpful.

Plans in the future?

I’m currently applying to medical school and hope to start this coming fall. The ultimate goal is to become a surgeon or neurologist (or neurosurgeon!)

Most exciting time in APU?

I think my most exciting time at APU would have been the semester of Fall 2019. I was taking 18 units (including 3 labs) and working 2 jobs but I had amazing roommates that made the semester fun. We spent a lot of nights baking, watching movies, walking around campus, grabbing dinner, and doing homework. I had fun with the simple things, and doing homework with friends around always seems less stressful.

Advice for continuing students?

My advice would be to not let anyone tell you what you’re capable of. You know yourself better than anyone, so if you truly believe you can handle taking a ton of classes, going on an Action Team, or joining a new club, I say go for it! Get involved while you can because college is temporary. Plus, you never know who you’ll meet in those extra classes, Action Teams, and clubs. Shoot for the stars and don’t let anyone tell you that they’re impossible to hit.

Casey Mandeville

What is your name and major?

My name is Casey Mandeville and my major is Allied Health.

Three words to describe yourself?

Ambitious, dependable, and hardworking.

Plans in the future?

Attend grad school to become a nurse practitioner!

Most exciting time in APU?

I commuted so I didn't spend too much time outside of classes on campus, but I looked forward to classes with my friends and really enjoyed classes and labs with Dr. Somers!

Advice for continuing students?

Think about and plan for your future earlier than you think that you need to, especially if you're planning to go to grad school. Make sure that you're taking the right classes, have the necessary experience, and the right grades early on.

Yee Siang Wong

What is your name and major?

My name is Yee Siang Wong and my major is Computer Science.

Three words to describe yourself?

Three words to describe me are fun, easy going, and cooperative.

Plans in the future?

I plan to get a job, get more experience and built a good app.

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting time for me was taking the App Development class, and learning how to create apps.

Advice for continuing students?

My advice is to organize your time properly, and ask questions.

Bell'aria Sarian

What is your name and major?

My name is Bell'aria Sarian and my major is Computer Science.

Three words to describe yourself?

Three words to describe me are committed, meticulous, diligent.

Plans in the future?

I plan to work at Northrop Grumman as a Software Engineer starting February 2021.

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting time for me was being awarded the SURE award to do research on AI and Consciousness.

Advice for continuing students?

My advice is to always be asking questions. Don't be afraid to ask others about their experiences and learn about the career that you're interested in, I guess they call it networking.

Tim Lancia

What is your name and major?

My name is Tim Lancia and my major is Computer Science.

Three words to describe yourself?

Three words to describe me are well-rounded, smart, and kind.

Plans in the future?

I plan to find a job as a Software Engineer, Full Stack Developer, or Systems Developer.

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting time for me was getting a job at IMT and having a blast, making important friends, and gaining crucial work experience.

Advice for continuing students?

My advice is to go to career events, they are a great way to network and find perspective employers.

David Navarro

What is your name and major?

My name is David Navarro and my major is Computer Science.

Three words to describe yourself?

Three words to describe me are easy going, persistent, and resourceful.

Plans in the future?

I am not entirely sure what the future holds for me but I am excited nonetheless. Hopefully, to begin working soon and get more experience to what there is I can do. I plan on getting more experience in coding, and I will try to build up my skills.

Most exciting time in APU?

I think my most exciting moment at APU was being able to make new friends and to learn together. Going to APU, it was exciting to be able to commute and making new experiences while attending. I have gotten to meet many amazing people at the school and am thankful for having such an experience.

Advice for continuing students?

I would tell incoming freshman to always get started on assignments right away since there may be questions, to connect with other students and with school resources, and to enjoy the experience. There may be moments feeling overwhelmed with assignments but you'll look back wondering why you were ever worrying to begin with. But looking back, will show you how far you have come.

Jeremy Honma

What is your name and major?

My name is Jeremy Honma and my major is Computer Information Systems.

Three words to describe yourself?

Three words to describe me are ambitious, disciplined, and resourceful.

Plans in the future?

I plan to work as an IT Manufacturing Support Technician at Tesla in January.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting moment at APU was making a lot of good friends

Advice for continuing students?

My advice would be to get job experience ASAP, look for internships or on campus jobs (IMT is great for CS/CIS experience). Experience makes the biggest difference for first job straight out of college.


Dr. Janet Hanson

What is your name and major?

Dr. Janet Hanson, Masters in Applied Statistics and Analytics

Three words to describe yourself?

Child of God

Plans in the future?

My plans are to use my new learning to perform improved research analyses. (Dr. Hanson is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Leadership.)

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting time at APU has been working with my students, coworkers, and fellow students as a student in the Master's program.

Advice for continuing students?

I recommend seeking to develop relationships and networks in your classes with peers and professors. We learn much from working together with others, though more importantly, we share God's love in the relationships we form.