2021 Winter STEM Graduates


Christopher Mercado

What is your name and major?

My name is Christopher Deleon Mercado, and I am an Allied Health major with a Psychology minor.

Three words to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as persistent, thoughtful, and hard-working.

Plans in the future?

My plan is to become a Pysch Nurse Practioner.

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting part of APU was being a part of Dr. Bassy's physics lecture, where every class had at least one class-involved laugh.

Advice for continuing students?

Failure and mistakes are bound to happen; it is how we pick ourselves back up and get back to it that matters the most.

David Chang

What is your name and major?

My name is David Chang and I am an Allied Health major, B.S.

Three words to describe yourself?

Three words that I would use to describe myself would be empathetic, perseverant, and futuristic.

Plans in the future?

My future goal is to become a P.A. (physician's assistant). I am currently working as a Medical Scribe to complete my clinical hours and am hoping to get into a P.A. school within the next two years.

Most exciting time in APU?

The most memorable time at APU for me was definitely my junior year. I was struggling in most aspects of my life and was in a really dark place. However, I was blessed to be surrounded by great friends as well as someone very special to me who got me through that time and is now my significant other. Since then, I have grown in so many ways and am in a completely different and much happier place. I'm constantly thankful for all that APU has given me regarding my spirituality and relationship.

Advice for continuing students?

The advice I would give would be to really take the time to explore career options as an undergraduate because you should really pursue a career that you are passionate about, not just one that makes the most money or what your parents want for you.

Another piece of advice is to truly be yourself and let others love you for who you really are.

Lauren Williams

What is your name and major?

My name is Lauren Williams and I am an Allied Health major B.A. and a psychology minor.

Three words to describe yourself?

Three words to describe me are disciplined, compassionate, and enthusiastic.

Plans in the future?

After I graduate, I am getting married and moving to North Carolina. The following year, I will attend occupational therapy school, and I hope to become a pediatric OT afterwards.

Most exciting time in APU?

One of the most exciting times I had while at APU was a trip to Peru with the Center for Student Action (CSA). I spent six weeks with other APU students serving alongside the missionaries in Pucallpa, Peru. During which, I got to experience so many new adventures, such as holding a tarantula and teaching kids songs in Spanish.

Advice for continuing students?

My advice for continuing students is to make time to prioritize non-school activities. As a STEM major, a lot of my time was spent doing homework assignments and studying. Learning good time management for my school work allowed me to invest in friendships and my church community more. When I look back at my time at APU, I remember the social events with my friends more than I remember the hours of studying. It is so important to make time for fun activities that do not involve homework. I would also encourage continuing students to find friends within their major and outside of their major because it really allows for a well-rounded college experience.

Alison Ghafari

What is your name and major?

My name is Alison Ghafari, I am majoring in Biology with an emphasis in Organismal Studies.

Three words to describe yourself?

Three words I would use to describe myself are: perspicacious, passionate, and resilient.

Plans in the future?

I plan to enter the workforce, preferably working in a lab or with the government in the public health/environmental health field whilst pursuing a Master's degree in Public Health. My ultimate goal is to become either a public health administrator or hospital administrator.

Most exciting time in APU?

The best time I had in APU was when I was on the executive board for the Armenian Student Association for three consecutive years, and had the opportunity to spearhead many fundraisers and events. I also enjoyed my time in the University Choir as well and of course, I enjoyed time with my peers.

Advice for continuing students?

For students who are currently in a STEM major, I advise you to never give up. You will be told that you are not enough- it is inevitable but that does not mean it is true. Some will tell you to change your career plans but disregard such comments and be resilient. Pray to God to give you guidance on what your path is supposed to lead to because He knows His plans for you. In addition, study hard. Nothing worth it comes easy!

Karsten Gering

What is your name and major?

My name is Karsten Gering, and I am majoring in Allied Health and minoring in Honors Humanities and Spanish.

Three words to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as patient, dependable, and persistent.

Plans in the future?

I am planning to work as an EMT for a year or two before hopefully, attend physician assistant school in the next few years.

Most exciting time in APU?

The best time I had in APU was definitely my study away experience in Ecuador. I went in the Spring of 2020 and had so many amazing opportunities and learned a lot about myself, the world, and God.

Advice for continuing students?

I would recommend that students keep in mind why they are in school. It sounds cheesy but often school gets overwhelming, and it helps to remind yourself why you want to be there because it is such a short but meaningful time in life. I would also tell students to invest in the Azusa community while in school because it is such a unique, diverse area and even though it might only be a few years, it will be worth your time to get to know the community.

Adrian Paz

What is your name and major?

My name is Adrian Paz and I am a Biology major with an emphasis on Organismal Studies.

Three words to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as committed, composed, and positive.

Plans in the future?

I will be working as a medical scribe in the emergency department after graduation to acquire experience prior to applying to graduate school next year. My career goal is to be an emergency medicine nurse practitioner or become a certified registered nurse anesthetist.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting time at APU would be going on the Mexico Outreach trip and providing care to the Latino community. This experience reaffirmed my passion for healthcare and allowed me to do the work of Jesus at the same time. In the future, I hope to travel to different countries and have the ability to fund my own clinics similar to those in this program.

Advice for continuing students?

For continuing and incoming students, I would urge you to be patient with yourself through the process of college. It will be extremely difficult at times but do not give up. Learn to be your own motivation and reach out for help when you need it. Your professors and peers want to help, all you have to do is ask for it. Keep grinding and continue pushing forward even if those around you are giving up. Get involved, go on those outreach trips, and immerse yourself in work that will benefit you after your time is done. Above all, it is important to reward yourself after that big exam or paper and involve yourself in things other than school or work.

Becky Cobox

What is your name and major?

Hello, my name is Becky Cobox and I am a double major in Biology & Spanish with a minor in Biblical Studies.

Three words to describe yourself?

I would use the words bubbly, dedicated, and selfless to describe myself. I try to make those around me feel comfortable and noticed leading me to prioritize others before me. I am the type of person who likes to see things through and would fully dedicate myself to something until it's done!

Plans in the future?

As of right now, I work at a local urgent care as a medical scribe. I hope to continue working there until I move on and attend medical school. I hope to become an emergency medicine physician. The ER has always fascinated me and I want to be a part of it. I also volunteer for Boundless Brilliance and a Spanish school. I tend to continue doing this during the medical school application process. I hope that I am able to continue practicing and strengthening my medical Spanish so that one day, my patients would feel comfortable with me and I can help them to the best of my ability.

Most exciting time in APU?

At APU, there are a variety of clubs and organizations to be a part of. My best memories came from being part of Boundless Brilliance. In February of 2020, Boundless Brilliance in partnership with CRIS hosted a virtual STEM Day. I was fortunate enough to be a part of the planning committee as well as be a part of the event. The event was geared to provide elementary students with a STEM presentation. It was so nice to be able to see so many students not only show up to the virtual event, but as well as participate in the experiments. It truly warmed my heart to see how excited the students were, and how much they enjoyed the event. Through this event, I was once again reminded how joyous and curious kids were. It was truly a blessing to be able to make a small impact in the community. It brought me great joy that multiple clubs from APU were willing to participate and bring the event to life. Another great memory from APU came from the Modern Languages department. I enjoyed participating in outreach events that allowed me to work with kids. I tend to lean to volunteering at schools, but for this one event, I got to be a part of a Spanish Spelling Bee. It was truly humbling seeing elementary students participating and winning in not a regular spelling bee but a Spanish one. I enjoyed seeing the kids during this event and it pushed me to continue improving my Spanish.

Advice for continuing students?

There are so many resources at APU, and one of the things I wished someone would have told me about is that. Some of these include the Biology department, CRIS, the English & Modern Language department, Student Center for Reconiliation & Diversity (SCRD), the Cougar Dome, TRiO, etc. Sometimes as incoming freshmen or transfer students, we are too scared to ask or venture outside of what we know. I encourage you all to take the time and see what APU has to offer. There are so many resources, clubs, and departments that are all willing to help you during your time at APU. Also, some clubs on campus do not require you to be at every meeting. I encourage you to sign up for a newsletter to follow clubs on Instagram. I know that I struggled in joining clubs because I thought I did not have the time but some clubs don't require you to attend all meetings. Most clubs have events for students that are not mandatory but are a great place to meet new students and sometimes staff. I encourage you to attend these events, you never know how you might find that can help you or you can help them. Overall, enjoy your time at APU and don't be afraid to ask for help. Everyone is willing to help guide you along the process to the best of their ability. :)

Heather Alcala

What is your name and major?

My name is Heather Alcala and I am a Biochemistry major.

Three words to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as determined, responsible, and outgoing.

Plans in the future?

I plan to work as an Embryologist and apply to Ph.D. programs.

Most exciting time in APU?

This semester in my Quantum Chemical Analysis class, we took a trip to Monrovia's Water Plant where we learned more about the precautions being made for drinking water. Being exposed to a working lab that contained many different departments in regulating and speculating water contaminants was very intriguing. This trip along with other lab experiences at APU has allowed me to better understand what to expect in my future career.

Advice for continuing students?

Breathe. You're going to get where you need to be. As students, we get stuck on planning our own future, down to which class and professors we are going to take in the following semester. If your path has been redirected, it's perfectly okay. Let God's will prevail in your life. If you are coming across obstacles in your academic career, perseverance is key. Life will throw trials and tribulations at you but it's how you proceed to the finish line that will help build your character. A verse that has helped me through frustrating times is "I can do all things through Christ that gives me strength" Philippians 4:13. It's also important to remember that professors are here to help you in any way that they can. Going to office hours and communicating your questions and concerns can only benefit you.

Angela Arevalo

What is your name and major?

My name is Angela Fabiana Arevalo-Estebo and I am majoring in Allied Health with a minor in psychology.

Three words to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as ambitious, considerate, and courageous.

Plans in the future?

I hope and pray to get into the Entry Level Masters Program to become a Nurse Practitioner.

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting time in APU was creating friendships with people in my lecture and lab classes, as well as spending late nights on campus with those friends creating bonds, motivating each other, and challenging one another to find new ways to learn.

Advice for continuing students?

My advice is to find what motivates you and brings you the most joy, because when you find that, and that has to do with what you want to do for your career, it will help you stay focused and determined to finish strong. I also encourage you to not procrastinate and try volunteering, shadowing, or interning in the field you want to pursue to make sure you will like it!

Rishatha Velpula

What is your name and major?

My name is Rishatha Velpula, and my major is Allied Health with a minor in Biblical Studies.

Three words to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as hardworking, determined, and responsible.

Plans in the future?

First, I want to take some time off from schooling so that I can gain more clinical experience. Then, I want to apply to Physicians Assistant (PA) school and pursue my dream of becoming a PA.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting times here at APU were being involved in student leadership teams, going to chapel, and making life-long friends.

Advice for continuing students?

My advice for students is to not lose hope. God has a prosperous plan for each and every one. With him everything is possible.

Mila Reyes

What is your name and major?

My name is Mila Therese Reyes, and my major is Allied Health.

Three words to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as conscientious, amicable, and creative.

Plans in the future?

I plan on taking a short break from studies to discern what God is calling me to (possibly pursuing a Master's in Occupational Therapy or College Counseling and Student Development).

Most exciting time in APU?

I have many...

My first exciting experience was watching my first APU basketball game with former President Jon Wallace. As a person who was new to campus, it was very comforting to enjoy the game with someone who was very welcoming and down-to-earth.

Many of my favorite experiences have been in working with students and their families as a Transfer Connections Intern and as a Commuter Life Intern. As a transfer and commuter student, it has been fulfilling for me to help students grow holistically by helping provide opportunities for engagement in their academics and extracurricular activities.

Additionally, the events hosted by the on-campus Catholic club (Seton Catholic Ministry) have kept me excited and on fire for my faith. Being raised in the faith provided a great foundation for developing my relationship with God, but journeying with peers of the same faith has helped solidify a strong foundation.

Advice for continuing students?

1. Persevere (but healthily)! Studying and staying disciplined get especially difficult as you progress throughout the semester, but it is definitely worth it. Sometimes things out of your control come up – and that is okay. It is okay to ask for help and it is okay to communicate these things to your professor. Set up me-tings (meetings with yourself) and take time to care for yourself, too.

2. Pray! If you face a crossroads and it may seem difficult to discern which decision to make (whether it be withdrawing from a class, changing majors, deciding post-grad plans), keep your eyes on Christ and He will guide you. It may seem easier said than done, but giving everything to God is the best thing to do for He knows everything. Trust in God and trust that He will give you what you can handle for "God doesn’t call the equipped; He equips the called.”

Mason Welge

What is your name and major?

My name is Mason Welge, and my major is Computer Information Systems, B.A..

Three words to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as funny, caring, and smart.

Plans in the future?

I plan on working in Information Technology (IT) then transitioning to cyber security.

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting thing has been meeting people.

Advice for continuing students?

Take your major-specific classes as soon as possible.

Mark Magnuson

What is your name and major?

My name is Mark Magnuson, and my major is Computer Science, B.S..

Three words to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as consistent, creative, and tired.

Plans in the future?

Currently, I plan to continue working for Power Settlements Consulting and Software.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting time at APU was getting to travel to Namibia alongside Professor Grissom and several of my fellow Computer Science students.

Advice for continuing students?

If you hear any kind of Computer Science topic that interests you, do some self-learning on it. Even if it comes up in a future class as a learning topic, there is always more to learn.

Justin Watson

What is your name and major?

My name is Justin Watson, and my major is Computer Science, B.S.

Three words to describe yourself?

I would describe myself as friendly, hard-working, and creative.

Plans in the future?

I plan to apply for jobs in the San Diego area.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting time at APU was studying abroad in Ecuador!

Advice for continuing students?

Enjoy every moment. Work hard, but also have the time of your life.