Faculty Feature

Dr. Scott Kinnes

Professor, Department of Biology and Chemistry

1. Can you tell us your home department and how long have you been a faculty at APU?

My home department is Biology and Chemistry and I have been a faculty member here for 38 years.

2. What are the classes do you teach?

I am teaching General Biology 2, Biology of Microorganisms, Ecology, Medical Microbiology and Stewardship Ecology.

3. What is your area of research/teaching and how did you get interested in this area?

My area of research and teaching is ecology, primarily on fire's impact on vegetation and fungi. I am a pyro at heart, participated in fire ecology research in grad school including several prescribed burns. It was amazing watching the way fire behavior occurred, and how it impacted the ecosystem by the way vegetation responded afterwards.

4. When and how did you get interested in studying biology (or science in general)?

I grew up doing outdoorsy things especially anything involving salt water. I have always felt much more at home in the outdoors it gives me comfort and makes me feel closer to God when I am in nature. My freshman bio course in college definitely sealed the deal for me.

5. What are some of the things you most enjoy being in APU?

Well, NOT filling out surveys/questionnaires or attending meetings!! It has always been the people: colleagues and students; back in the day, community truly existed across campus and that was what made this place special. Now it seems to be much more relegated to the department level which is sad but being in a good department keeps it alive.

6. What are some fun things you like to do?

Traditionally, photography, camping, anything that got me out onto the water or into nature...now, doing ANYTHING with the grandkids.

7. Anything else you would like the STEM community to know about you?

I am following Jon Milhon's mom's practice and creating a yearly journal Bible for each of my grandchildren it has been a real blessing for me and Lord willing will someday be a blessing to them. I recommend if you are a grandparent have your kids leave journals or something written for/to your grandkids!!

Visit Dr. Kinnes in Segerstrom 205 to better understand and appreciate the beautiful natural world around us!