2019 Winter STEM Graduates

Shelbe Carlson

What is your major?

My major is Biology with an Organismal Emphasis.

Three words to describe yourself?

Loony, Minnesotan, and Lakes.

Plans in the future?

Join a fantasy football team now that I have more time, go swimming with the loons, and play with my dog. Oh and apply to medical school next summer, get a job in a hospital and volunteer at the National Loon Center :)

Most exciting time in APU?

When I turned my senior seminar paper in to Dr. Morris I about cried tears of joy.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Start your Senior Sem paper now! But in all seriousness, take advantage of all the opportunities you will have in the science department at APU!! Go to office hours and form relationships with your professors, they are all amazing and without their help I wouldn't be where I'm at today. Also get yourself plugged into clubs or activities that you are interested in. This will set you up for success whether you know your path, or are still trying to figure it out. Don't be afraid to explore different areas, I switched my major Sophomore year to Biology just figuring out then that I wanted to go pre-med, and I have zero regrets.

Lexi Romanazzi

What is your major?

My major is Allied Health.

Three words to describe yourself?

Adventurous, Determined, Caring.

Plans in the future?

I plan on taking a year off to work and apply to PA schools!

Most exciting time in APU?

The most exciting time at APU would be getting to meet all kinds of new people and to attend such a great school away from home.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice to incoming freshman would be to take advantage of all the opportunities APU has to offer, especially academic ones like SI sessions and seminars. College really does go by super fast so just enjoy every minute of it! And remember no matter how hard it gets, it’s worth it in the end.

Matthew Ghaly

What is your major?

My major is Allied Health.

Three words to describe yourself?

Hard-working, Determined, Consistent.

Plans in the future?

My ultimate plan is to be a successful Physical Therapist and also commit to doing missions.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting time at APU is when I had the opportunity to serve as a leader in one of Mexico Outreach teams.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice for incoming freshmen is to take advantage of all the resources offered as they are all great learning experiences.

David Paul Walker

What is your major?

My major is Chemistry

Three words to describe yourself?

Sarcastic, Caring, Adaptable.

Plans in the future?

Continuing to be a volunteer youth pastor and seek employment in the field of chemistry.

Most exciting time in APU?

Doing a short term study away program to Israel for ten days.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

You have no idea what you are capable of. College is not high school and you will be pushed beyond what you think you can handle. It is okay to fail and mess up but you have to learn from it and move forward. Neither your mistakes nor your grades determine your worth. Remember to have fun and enjoy the process.

Elyse Shackleton

What is your major?

My major is Computer Science

Three words to describe yourself?

Ambitious, Excitable, Friendly.

Plans in the future?

I'm going to pursue a career in software engineering, all the way up in Boise, Idaho.

Most exciting time in APU?

My most exciting experience at APU was definitely the senior capstone project – shoutout to team When&Where!

Advice for incoming freshmen?

My advice to incoming freshmen is this: All of the professors are here to help you – if you struggle in a class, meet with the professor and get tutoring! No one wants to fail you. Also, if you're late to class, don't let social anxiety prevent you from showing up altogether. No other student cares that you're late. They'll look at you for one second and then stop caring. (The professor might be a different story, but it's better to suffer through the look you'll get walking in late than miss class completely.)

Samual Shaqqur

What is your major?

My major is Computer Science

Three words to describe yourself?

Motivated, Hardworking, Organized.

Plans in the future?

One of my biggest goals is to open an orphanage.

Most exciting time in APU?

Meeting a friend that I can call a brother

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Research about anything you can .

Matthew Perera

What is your major?

My major is Computer Science

Three words to describe yourself?

Adventurous, Fun, Adaptable.

Plans in the future?

Get a job.

Most exciting time in APU?

Getting to be on the Namibia Action Team.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Do everything the s hill has to offer.

Megan Krupa

What is your major?

I am a double major in Systems Engineering and Physics.

Three words to describe yourself?

Passionate, Open-minded, Compassionate.

Plans in the future?

Working with Raytheon and moving through technical leadership.

Most exciting time in APU?

Participating in Humans vs. Zombies.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

Get involved and figure out what you want to do. Try out new things and get out of your comfort zone.

Michelle Espiritu

What is your name and major?

My major is Biochemistry.

Three words to describe yourself?

Dependable, Hardworking, Organized.

Plans in the future?

In the next 5 years, I will be graduating with a Master’s degree in Biotechnology and start building my career in the field and gain a lot of experience.

Most exciting time in APU?

As a transfer student, my most exciting time here at APU is given the opportunity to learn and the opportunity to seek answers. I became more curious and my interests grew stronger. It’s exciting because I was able to better myself and I was able to make big decisions and small decisions that set my direction in life so I can reach my destination.

Advice for incoming freshmen?

The advice I would give to incoming freshmen students is

  1. We tend to forget ourselves in the hustles and bustles of our life as a student so never forget to LOVE and TAKE CARE of yourself.

  2. Be TRUE to yourself. If you know that you are struggling, don’t let pride eat you and ask for help! There are many resources available, you just have to ask.

  3. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

  4. The best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing. Learn to take chances!!

  5. I (You) can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (You).