
We have recently introduced some new rewards. 

These are star class nominations, Principal’s Award and Praise Friday. Students are fully engaged with these new rewards and winners of the Principal’s Award receiving hot chocolate on a Friday Break time.

We have also taken 152 students to Alton Towers to praise them for their ATL this academic year. A great day was had by all and the students left with smiles on their faces


Over the final half term of this academic year, team Geography has offered a range of enrichment opportunities for our KS3 students.

The first trip taking place for our Y9s to The Deep, where they had the opportunity to explore different marine biomes and take part in activities learning around the challenges of litter and microplastics in our ocean. 

Next, 66 Y7 students were taken on safari in the little seen summer sunshine around Yorkshire Wildlife Park, learning about animals from around the world and how human activities are affecting their habitats. . .along with being allowed to let off some steam in the park!

Finally, 48 Y8 students hopped on a coach to Hornsea to explore coastal processes and the impacts of coastal defences and tourism in the area. 

Along with being given the opportunity to enjoy some of the tourist attractions themselves. We then drove up to Flamborough Head to explore the fascinating headland features and observe some of the local wildlife such as seals and puffins. 

On all three visits our students were fantastic, representing the best of themselves wherever we went, making the trips huge successes.

We look forward to offering these trips again next year, along with a number of other opportunities to take place throughout the year. 

Thank You for being fantastic!

Mr T Wood, 

Director of Learning - Geography

Exam Results Day 

We are delighted to share the wonderful news of your child's efforts in this year’s Summer GCSE exams. Their outstanding performance reflects not only their hard work but also the unwavering support and encouragement you have provided.

Thank you for being such a crucial part of your child's academic journey. Your belief in their abilities and your constant guidance have played a significant role in their success. We celebrate this achievement with you, and look forward to seeing our Y11 leavers back in school to collect their exam results on Thursday 22nd August, 10am – 12pm in the Sports Hall.

Congratulations once again, and thank you for your continued support.

Summer Learning

Students in Year 7 and our upcoming Year 6s will be given a summer project for English and Maths. 

When the students fully complete the project they need to hand this into their subject teacher who will then enter them into a prize draw. The draw will be made in assemblies in September where they can win numerous prizes. 

Good luck everyone!

Thank a Teacher Awards

Hutchison Catering

Please see you updated pricing list for September 2024