KS3 Overview

The Key Stage 3 curriculum is designed so that students acquire a range of knowledge, understanding and skills within Art and Design. Projects have been carefully planned so that students build up on their prior knowledge, understanding and skills and make progress throughout this key stage. We provide opportunities for students to experiment with different materials, media, techniques and processes throughout every project. Students are encouraged to broaden their understanding and knowledge of different periods in history, art movements and the course covers many different artists/ designers that are relevant to their studies.

Within Key Stage 3 students are assessed on their Knowledge and understanding as well as their skills within their research, observational studies, design and final outcomes across all projects.

All Key Stag 3 students are assessed using ARE's, the criteria for each grading can be seen on the slides below.

ART AREs 2019.pdf

What does each year group study

Year 7


The main focus in year 7 is to develop the students’ confidence in Art and Design, to develop observational skills and to teach a range of techniques/media as a basis for students to build

upon throughout years 8 and 9. Students explore the basics of observation and understand the basic elements of art (Line, Shape, Form, Value, Colour, Space and Texture)

Skills explored: 

Artist reference: Vincent Van Gogh

Year 8


In Year 8 the aim is to build on many of the skills gained in Year 7 by revisiting techniques and knowledge in a different guise, while aiming to produce artwork of greater creative diversity. Students will learn about the artist David Hockney and will create paintings, drawings and pieces based on his life work.

Year 9

 In Year 9 students build up a more sustained approach to project work in Art & Design, so that a set of work is produced rather than a single stand-alone piece. This takes into consideration a steady acquisition of skills over Year 7 and 8, which can now be used with more independence and confidence. This prepares students for project work for the GCSE coursework units should they decide to take Art or Photography as an option in Year 10. Students create a portfolio of work based around the theme of Natural forms.


Artists Reference: Paul Morisson, Yellena James & Georgia O’Keeffe