KS3 Overview
At Key Stage 3 short, medium and long-term assessment contributes to an awareness of how well learning is embedded and which gaps remain to be addressed. Short-term day to day assessment is based on the Mastery Flow Model, whereby students need to be able to answer probing questions to demonstrate that learning has been secured on a present topic/skill. Over a topic students who are consistently able to answer probing questions on content will be working at age related expectations. Those able to consistently answer further extension/rich questions will be working beyond age related expectations. Long-term assessment on an annual basis involves standardised assessment on an AET Trustwide exam paper called ‘Stop the Clock’ which benchmarks each students’ progress relative to students with similar starting points.
What will I study
Year 7
Where on Earth is Sheffield?
Endangered Ecosystems
Brazil – Forests, Favelas and the Future
Resources in Crisis - water
Raging Rivers - focus on the UK
Extreme Qatar - studies of the Middle East
Year 8
Coastal Change and Conflict
Into the Rainforest
Glaciation and Geology
Wild Weather around the world
Moving People
Globalisation under investigation
Year 9
Global issues around the continents
Tectonic Hazards
Mind the Development Gap
Investigating issues and conflict
Fieldwork enquiry - a local river