Photo Series Projects

Goals: see growth in the ability to communicate with your photos both through the content you choose and the photography techniques that you use.

Pre-Instruction--before we begin, photowalk. Theme: This Is Zeeland.

You interpret the prompt and take photos that fit the theme. We will use these photos as the base-line for your work.

Photography Unit

Much of photography is about learning how to see, and how to build a photograph. Very few good shots just happen. Photographers take many things into consideration before they take their shots. Learning what to look for and then spending lots of time practicing are key to improving your work.

Watch the video and choose two areas that you would like to focus on improving in your first series.

7 Powerful Photography Tips with Joshua Cripps

THEMES FOR Photo Series

    1. This Is Zeeland

    2. The Beauty of Fall

    3. Hello, This Is Me

    4. Help Me Celebrate

    5. Winter Magic

Before you begin your work, make sure you go through the brainstorming process and submit your thoughts.

If you take your photos with a focus in mind, it will help you communicate through your work.